Chapter 11

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Gabriel's POV

Percival left a few minutes ago, and I'm currently sitting on the couch in my living room, wondering what I should do with the fact that I smelled my mate last night.

I guess that I will at least have to talk to whoever it is, and I will most likely try it give my mate a chance, because I might like him more than Percival.

But I'm not sure if I should tell Percival about this.

I guess that if I will go to see my mate, then that could kind of be considered cheating, and I don't want to do something like that.

But if I will just talk with my mate, then I guess it will be fine, so I will have to make sure that I won't let him kiss me or something.

I know that Percival wouldn't forgive me for something like this, and I wouldn't forgive him for cheating on me either, even if he would just kiss his mate while he's with me.

I sigh in frustration and I stand up from the couch, before I go upstairs to get ready to leave my house.

When I'm dressed, I go back downstairs and I make sure that no one's in the house, to be sure that no one will follow me.

I know how my dad is, so I know that he sometimes likes to follow me around the pack lands, to make sure that I'm not making any trouble.

But that was most likely because he didn't like my former friends, and I haven't seen him following me for a few months now.

I try go back to the place where I smelled my mate, and I roll my eyes when I realise that I can still smell the scent.

I was hoping that the scent would have gone away, so I could just imagine that I didn't smell anyone.

I go in the direction that the smell leads to, and not much later, I reach a clearing where my mate must have been last night.

I follow the scent thought he clearing, and then I realise that it's leading to the pack house.

I go there reluctantly, and then I walk upstairs, so I can find the room that my mate went too.

I reach the room that the scent is coming from, and I sigh again, before I knock on the door.

I wait for a long while, hoping that no one will open the door, but then the door opens, and my eyes widen when I see who's standing in front of me.

"Hi." Julie says, and she smiles at me kindly.

I know that Julie is older than me, so I know that she already knows that we're mates, and I wonder why she never told me about it.

"Hi." I say reluctantly.

I'm not sure if she knows about the fact that I don't like girls at all, but I can see that she's a bit stressed about me being here.

So, I guess that she's already waiting to be rejected or something.

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