Entry 7: Queen of the Sand

19 1 14

Day 21/ Marie

Today was eventful. Not at first, though. Most of us were unsure of what to do with the rest of the day, so we just lingered about watching the owls who were watching us back. They sat just out of reach of Blain's slingshot, as if they had heard us last night.

I asked Blain more about the Wendigo, but he just shushed me and said, "Speaking about it brings them." I pushed him, though. Told him it was here already. He said, "Don't trust voices in the woods."

Then, a very human whistle sang out over the trees. Blain went pale, shushed me again, and fast walked back to the coast. For a member of an elite army team known for survival skills, he does not inspire reassurance. I swear superstitious people can't see what's right in front of them. A mythical spirit must be the least threatening thing we've seen.

Although, the chimera was quite odd. I was guessing at the language in the temple looking slightly Greek, but I wonder if there's a correlation? We would be very off-track if we had wreacked near Greece. We should have been closer to the Bermuda Triangle, given that the trip was from Southern Venezuelan to Florida.

There's an actual kid amongst the survivors. His name is Draco. His mom liked Harry Potter, and his dad liked dragons. Muarice was skipping rocks with him, while a good half of the group was fishing further up the cove.

A few of us went about sorting through some of the rubbage that had washed up from the plane, including myself.

Blain sat at the edge of the water, filling several bottles with purification tablets and giving them one of his patented puzzled looks, "the water here... it's clean. From the ocean, no complicated filtering, just these tablets, and I dont even know if it needs them."

"Really? From here? From the ocean? Clean?"

He chuckled, no doubt glad he wasn't alone in his confusion, "think it has anything to do with your friend's notes?"

"Even if I did study rocks, I doubt I would have an answer. Djibrine died before he could prove anything."

I slipped on a snorkel and goggles I had found and decided to check out the sea life. Gathering an understanding of the biome might help us survive, plus it's the one thing I might actually be good at.

Before I jumped in, though, I took a look at everyone around camp. There's quite a few, and I've learned a bit about most of them, so I'll try to work them into my journal.

Kalvin, of course, who couldn't do much on one leg. Jennifer, who was taking care of Kalvin when he needed.

There are two more people that I feel like I should mention. They are complete opposites. Mute, as we've been calling him since he hadn't talked since the crash. Ron, a guy who hadn't shut up since the crash, was the same guy that had suggested cannibalism last night.

Ron has been wearing a three-piece business suit complete with a tie, which is what he was wearing when we crashed, but it speaks volumes about how useless he is in our current situation. I guess he didn't ask to be here, but still, he could try to help. Instead, he just keeps asking 'God why him' and going on about being stranded with a bunch of hicks when he should be at a five-star resort getting his feet licked by expensive sluts. Although the feet thing was kind of funny, the rest of his tirade was draining me really fast. So I swung my own feet over the edge of the rock, away from Ron, and into the ocean.

I love that moment when you first dive in and break the surface. You go from above water to below with only a hint of resistance. Mother Nature knows you are trespassing, but even she can't conceal the wonders of the sea from longing eyes. So, the water parts for you.

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