Jennifer's Final Journals(3)

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They crested the hill just now. Kalvin rushed to my side like the white knight he is, but he slowed down before he could reach me. I was hoping he would swoop in for a kiss and carry me away, but I realize how stupid that is. He's looking at something in the woods beside me.

It's whistling, so he draws his bow and fires. I can see it land in something. It's not the Wendigo, though. It's the corpse of one of the scouts. I think we called him Mute, but now he's just a disemboweled corpse hanging from a nearby tree with an arrow in his skull.

Kalvin is looking at me again. His bow is drawn. There are tears in his eyes. He must see my three skeletal limbs limp against the ground. Devoid of skin or muscle, but still attached by the thinnest of tendons. He's going to put....



Jennifer's writing was frantic and nearly unreadable in this last chapter. I think the act of funneling her thoughts was the only thing distracting her from the pain. Kalvin ended her suffering, though.

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