Entry 1: The Crash

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Day 0/ Marie

There were 184 passengers aboard the Airborne Airlines. Only 23 of us survived. I wish I could recount the crash for whoever is reading this, but I was asleep right up until my brother shook me awake and pulled my oxygen mask over my face. Then... well, then a piece of the wing came off, a thin piece of metal was suddenly inside of the plane.

One second, my brother was looking at me with those concerned eyes of his, and the next second, there was a long piece of metal sticking through window, through his face and out the back of his chair. Then we crashed into the ocean, and a few of us swam to shore.

Some people responded immediately by pulling people from the wreckage and treating their wounds. There was one man in particular who worked so fast, so surgically, that it was almost mesmerizing watching him bring people back from the brink of death.

Most of us just stood around or sat in shock. One person even wandered off into the woods.

I wish I had helped, or at least tried to get some people out of the wreckage. I'm a good swimmer, but I was just too stunned over watching my brother... I'm not even sure how I made it ashore.

I... I don't know why I'm even writing this. My hands are so shaky and numb.


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