Al: Jen has gone missing

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Al here, I'll write an intro or something later. Jen went missing last night. We found her notebook covered in bloodstains. It looked like she was in the middle of writing a poem.

I had just put a door on the main cabin. Whatever took her had to have broken in, but there's no damage to anything. An animal would have left scratches on the door or something, right?

We mounted a search party as soon as we found the blood splatter all over the table, but it's been two days now. Kalvin is falling apart entirely. I could only imagine what kind of emotions would be coursing through my veins, but even worse, he could barely do anything about it. All he can do is stumble around the woods, screaming and tripping over roots. He's out there right now, slumped against the tree crying. I can't blame him.

Will try to search more in the morning, I just wanted to try and get my thoughts down. Fuck, I thought we were finally safe here.


Next day.

Valentina found out that the valcano has stopped flowing. She noticed the cave was started to cool down, and the lightning bugs that act like stars in the ice dome are moving weird.

Furthermore, we found tracks leading up a trail out of the cave. A trail that was covered in lava beforehand. It's hard to tell, but it seems like two sets, both human.

Mother Mary, save our asses. We are going to follow it up.


Later that day

Those damn ice bugs chased us out of the dome! Hundreds of them. Ugly as shit. Size of fucking birds! And they shot balls of lava out of their asses. Cheryl and Rico got nicked, but other than that we are all fine. They stopped chasing us halfway up the trail. Something about the heat scared them or something.

Fuck, I don't think I am doing this whole writing thing justice. I'm not Jennifer. The fraking stars fell out of the sky and chased us out of our home! Dale had to carry Kalvin, and the climb out is getting steeper every step.

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