Jennifer's Final Journals(2)

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"The sweet, juicy taste of flesh."

Those are the words she keeps repeating as she sits nearby knawing on a rock. Every now and then, she bites down hard enough that I hear a crunch. This is followed by a trickle of blood running down her chin.

She smiles at me with a mouthful of broken teeth and asks, "are my friends hungry?"

She tries to feed the corpse to my left first. She dips a bowl into the cooking pot and pours a bit of the stew into the dead man's mouth. The dead man with one leg who is familiar looking. She turns the man's face towards me as she works his mouth up and down.

"Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum..."

I was relieved and horrified at the man's face. It wasn't Kalvin, thank the gods, but it was Blain from the scouting group. He was missing an eye and was skeletal in every body part that he had left. The woman turned to me with the bowl of meat. Her pupils had broken through her irises and were leaking out into the whites of her eyes like small ink blots.

"Food from friends, for friends."

That was when she pointed to my feet. My lack of feet. There was a turnakit on each of my legs, and my feet had been skinned down to the skeleton.

It wasn't until she pointed at them that the pain set in. I just started to scream and slapped her bowl to the ground. I thought she would snap at me, or at least go into some kind of rage. Instead, she scooped the meat back up, walked away, trembling and laughing.

Eventually, she remembered to feed Mute and cut all of the hands off of the corpses. I never stopped screaming as she used a sharp stone to saw through my own left hand. She left me one to write with.


Who needs them
Just leave them
The brain
Is what spins the web that becomes legacy
I don't need the rest of me

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