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Time passed by, Nico and Will bonded a lot.
They talked to eachother like little birds in love, expect none of them wanted to admit their feelings.

They became more intimate, and started sharing more details about themselves. Will showed Nico his favourite pair of boxes, upon which suns and moons were printed. Nico laughed and showed Will his most embarrassing t-shirt, a black one with 'beware! I'm armed and have premenstrual tension' written on it.

"I found it for one dollar at the store and I needed a new pajamas, I swear it was NOT intentional." Nico underlined it in a letter to Will.

They shared so much photos that Will filled two boxes, one with all the letters and another one with all the pictures.
He liked opening the box and seeing Nico in his best shots.
Nico and his dog, Nico's pajamas, Nico dressed up for halloween (as a ghost) and even Nico as a baby. No pictures of him grown up showed his face, but still Will felt something in his stomach every time he looked at them.

Butterflies surrounded him, out and in.

Will wanted to just meet him and hug him for the longest time he could.

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