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Nico had to gather all of his courage to answer Will's letter.

"I will read The Goldfinch and I will tell you everything honestly, I promise."

Nico had a better idea in his mind but it was a surprise and didn't want Will to know yet.
He would have read the book, jotted down his favourite lines or moments and then gifted the whole book to Will.

"I like you Will, nothing could make me change my mind. You can tell me everything, anything that comes up on your mind. Even the dumbest things, even the useless ones.
You may believe no one would listen but I do care, I will listen. Please if you need to vent to someone, I want you to know I'm here. Always here for you. Seriously, I never move away from the atheneum.
If you need me to sleep in the library waiting for your answer to magically appear in my hands, I will. So I can intervene immediately and help you the better I can.
With very much love,

Nico felt like his bottled up feeling were now reversed on that page. No turning backs now.

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