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Nico opened the door of the atheneum with only one thought in mind: the book.

He grabbed it as he saw a white sheet hanging in there. Odd.
Nico opened the book and started reading.

"Hey Nico.
I know you haven't heard of me for a while and I apologise to you.
I haven't been here at school, in campus.
I went to visit my family, to spend my week at their house."

Nico imagined that possibility too. Will didn't leave him, he just left campus for a while.

"I didn't know I would have stayed that long or else I would've told you, I'm truly sorry."

Nico wasn't angry, nor disappointed, nor sad. He understood everything and, of course, didn't blame Will.

"You deserve some explanation. So here we are... I guess it's time to.
Me and my family have some issues. At least, they have issues with me. With my future, with my career. They want me to pursue my grandad studies and become a lawyer.
I think I am not made for that. I don't want to.
This is what basically happened.
Sorry for my absence, truly. Sorry if I bothered you too much, but at the same time thanks for your worries. You made me feel a bit better.
What about you? Tell me something about what happened recently in your life. I missed you.
Never splitting up again,

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