The Last Memory

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The students, my team and I were on a ship that had just landed at Beacon and there were Templars everywhere. They were destroying buildings, killing civilians and all that was drawing in Grimm.

Weiss: It's nothing but... carnage...

Y/n: This is what the Templars are. A bunch of savages trying to get an object they think will give them the power to create order. Let's do this!

Everyone took out their weapons and charged at the Templar forces who all turned their attention toward us. I jump forward and dig my sickles into ones neck before ripping them out and throwing one at another which decapitated him and it pierces the chest of another. I run over and rip the sickle out of the Templars chest before taking out Ebony and shooting multiple Templars from a distance before I was suddenly jumped by a Beowolf so I dump a full magazine into its skull before pushing it off me.

Y/n: Grimm are coming in! Be ready!

I say continuing to kill Templar soldiers as Grimm begin rampaging into Beacon. I run at an Ursa which was quickly killed by Altaïr.

Y/n: That was my kill!

Altaïr: Not anymore! 

Altaïr then ran off to continue defending the school from Templars and Grimm. I see a dropship come down and unload more Templars so I quickly run over to them and start cutting them apart with my sickles. I take out Ebony and Ivory and gun down a small group of approaching Grimm. I put my handguns away before running to join the rest of the students outside Beacon Tower which had a large concentration of Grimm and Templars. 

Y/n: Awh, I was missing the party?!

I say before using my semblance to turn the blades of my sickles into fire. I run toward the Grimm and Templars with my sickles before beginning to cut them down while the other students hold their own against the Grimm and Templars. I was pinned down by a Beowolf which had a strong grip I couldn't break out of until a cane blade went into its head before someone pushed it off me. I look at who it was and see it was Ozpin while he was in his robes.

Ozpin: Get up!

He offers me a hand which I take before he throws me at an Ursa major where I take out my sickles and decapitate the Grimm before landing on the ground. I stand up and run at multiple Grimm before I hear whispers in my head.

Whispers: The... blade.... Onyx.... go...

The whispers continues to tell me to go to Onyx so I look at the students and see they're holding their own very well so I put my sickles behind my back and run into Beacon Tower where I search for the hidden elevator at the ground floor and thankfully I found it. I enter the elevator and enter the same code Ozpin did to take us down to Onyx. The elevator slowly descended into Onyx with the Whispers continually mentioning the sword that is down here and the Apple of Eden. Once the elevator doors open I am greeted with the familiar sight of Onyx's ruins and the glow from inside the ruins. I quickly run through the ruined streets of Onyx before finding the Stones of Judgment where I also find Excalibur in the middle. I walk over to it which silences the whispers.

Y/n: Thousands of years worth of history just within this blade. I sure as shit hope its edges are still sharp.

I grab the handle which caused my arm to have lines that ran up it in a similar colour the pillars and ruins did. I began to pull the blade but it didn't want to come out of the stone so I continued to pull as hard as I could but still to no success. I activate part of my semblance and grab the sword with my flaming skeleton hand with added supernatural strength which was enough to pull the blade from its dormant stone. It glows a bright yellow at the tip as electricity flows down the blade before it calms down. I look at the edges and they're still surprisingly sharp even from thousands of years of being trapped in that stone.

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