Chapter 12

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My team exit the cafeteria while Goodwitch repairs it and scolds the others. She let us get off since she knows us outside the school. We were walking around talking about the fight and possible Templar spies until we got a message from Ozpin. "I have a mission for you boys. We have an insider in the Templars and they have said there is a high ranking Templar meet up in an abandoned warehouse. Get as much intel as you can and then eliminate them all. Leave no witnesses.". I show the message to the others and Edward got scarily bloodthirsty.

Edward: I like how Ozzy thinks! Let's paint the town red!

Everyone was silent at Edward's lust for blood. 

Y/n: Ed, let's just focus on getting intel and once that's done THEN we can kill them.

Edward: Works for me!

Connor: Oum, when the hell did you get so damn bloodthirsty?

We head to our dorm room before getting changed into our Assassin robes and jumped off the balcony onto a roof. We ran across it and quickly got on the bottom of a bullhead that was due for Vale.

Altaïr: So this is what you meant by illegally going to Vale.

Ezio: Wouldn't that make us criminals?

Y/n: The entire VPD sees us as criminals that've committed multiple murders. I don't think stowing ourselves away on a bullhead will be that bad.

We continue to hang on the underside of the bullhead until we reach a tall building in Vale where we jump to before jumping off into a pile of leaves. We exit the leaf pile and climb onto a building where we parkour across buildings until we reach an abandoned warehouse where I suddenly get a call from Jaune. I answer the phone and put it to my ear under my hood.

Y/n: Sup, Jaune.

Jaune: *phone* Hey, where are you guys? We still have classes.

Y/n: Ozpin let us have today off to finish some assignments. We'll be back later.

Jaune: *phone* You guys need some help? I'm sure Ren and Pyrrha wouldn't mind coming over.

Y/n: Nah, we're good. Talk later, Jaune.

Jaune: *phone* Ok! Bye!

I hang up and put my scroll back in my pocket before we all enter the warehouse were we see pilled up crates of dust rounds, crystals and vials. We jump to the support beams that stand on the roof to hold it up so we decide to stand on them until the meeting is over. We watch as multiple White Fang members and Templar soldiers stack crates, talk to each other and look at maps and plans. 

Connor: *whisper* What're they doing?

Altaïr: *whisper* No idea, but seems we've found where all the stolen dust goes. 

Suddenly the doors burst open to reveal more Templar soldiers and two high ranking Templar knights in the center. 

(just imagine they have the Templar symbol on their shoulder)

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(just imagine they have the Templar symbol on their shoulder)

Then from behind the crates, Roman Torchwick walks out with a cigar in his mouth along with a young girl with pink and black hair with eyes that match her hair.

Ezio: *whisper* Roman? Why's he working with the White Fang and the Templars?

Y/n: *whisper* No idea, but they may have a common goal in mind.

Roman: Ah, boys! Welcome to my humble abode!

Templar Knight 1: And what a 'warm welcome' it has been.

Templar Knight 2: Have you acquired the location?

Roman: Of your precious little ball? Yeah. What do Neo and I get outta it?

Templar Knight 1: The agreed pay for you both.

Templar Knight 2: No no, let us allow him to have some extra. He has been able to steal every piece of dust in the kingdom without being caught.

Templar Knight 1: We are not a charity, Caesar. Ignore my brother. We will keep to the agreed amount, yes?

Roman: What, with the couple million Lien, protection from these "assassins", the law and Huntsmen? I'd say the deal is perfect as it is.

Templar Knight 1: Excellent. Now, do you have word on the rat?

Roman: Why, yes I do. Neo, would you be so kind as to bring Micah in, please?

The girl named Neo nodded before leaving to a room before bringing out a beaten, bloody and bruised man.

Ezio: *whisper* That's the guy who was our insider?

Edward: *whisper* Looks like it. But I'm pretty sure he's gonna be executed.

Neo throws Micah to the ground infront of Roman and the two Knights.

Micah: Well, well. Caesar and Leon. How've you been?

Leon: Busy, because of the trouble you have been causing for us.

Caesar: But be honest, brother, it's impressive that he stayed undetected for a whole month.

Leon: It is impressive, sad to see such potential go to waste.

Micah: You two are fucking morons! You really think you can win this war?!

Leon: With orders from the Iron Man. Yes, we can. Caesar, if you would.

The one called Caesar nodded before taking out his sword from behind his back. He raised it in the air before slashing downward on Micah's neck, cutting his head off completely.

Roman: You Templar guys are some cold motherfuckers.

???: We only do what is necessary, Roman.

A woman walks out from behind some crates but her face is blocked by a support beam from the roof which is a major inconvenience to us.

Roman: Wildfire! When did you get here?

Wildfire: Through the backdoor. What's the situation with the rat?

Leon motions to the ground where she sees Micah's decapitated corpse in a pool of his own blood.

Wildfire: Good. Have the White Fang move the dust. We will send you coordinates tonight.

Roman: Wait, coordinates? 

Leon: We are proceeding to phase two.

With that, the three walk out but the woman is again blocked but this time from Leon and Caesar. I look to the others and drop down from the ceiling onto the ground catching the attention of all the Templars and White Fang but the three high ranking Templars left.

Roman: Ugh, you again? Take care of them. Come on, Neo.

Neo and Roman fled while We began killing all the Templars and White Fang. Safe to say Edward was enjoying it a bit too much. After we were finished emptying out the warehouse of hostiles we send the location to Ozpin and news about our insider before fleeing the warehouse back to Beacon.

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