Chapter 10

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[2 weeks later]

I've been in the hideout for two weeks trying to process what I had been told. Edward and Altaïr had been told about my Isu heritage which is basically godhood, Ozpin let me have a break until I was ready to come back to Beacon and Qrow and mum have tried to convince me nothing will change but things will change such as the giant target on my back only getting bigger. I was currently standing on one of the tallest abandoned buildings on the surface of Mountain Glenn looking over the vast landscape.

???: Hey, uh, Y/n?

I quickly shoot around and activate my hidden blade and hold it at the persons throat which was revealed to be Ruby. I deactivate my hidden blade and sigh heavily before turning away and looking over the landscape again.

Y/n: What do you want?

Ruby: I-I know I don't deserve asking but... I need your help...

Y/n: Give me one valid reason I should help you.

Ruby: Blakes missing and you, Altaïr, Ezio, Edward and Connor are the only ones we can rely on to help find her. 

I turn to face her and see genuine worry on her face for her friend. I sigh and nod, since I did need something to take my mind off my heritage, agreeing to help look for Blake but I was taken by surprise when she hugged me. 

Ruby: Thank you.

I was in shock for a few seconds but patted her on the head before she let go.

Y/n: Where did she go last?

Ruby: Somewhere in Vale.

Y/n: Narrows it down. Let's go. I'll let them know to search around Vale but, you do it your way while we do it our way.

Ruby: Does that involve jumping from rooftop to rooftop?

Y/n: Yes.

Ruby: *sigh* Why'd I ask?

We both walk down from the building to a bullhead that's about to take off. I take out my scroll and call the others and tell them to meet at the bullhead. Once they arrive we fly toward Vale.

Altaïr: Mind telling us what we're going to Vale for? 

Y/n: Blake's gone missing and Ruby asked us to help.

Connor: I thought you and Ruby hate one another.

Y/n: I still hate her, I'm doing this for Blake. You all in or out?

Ruby seemed saddened by what I said but I ignored it and focused on the others.

Ezio: I'm in.

Edward: Same!

Connor: I'll help.

Altaïr: As will I.

Y/n: Good. Ezio, Connor, take the south parts of the city. Edward, Altaïr, you both take the east. Ruby and I will search the west and the docks. Everyone got it?

Everyone: Got it!

After a short while the bullhead landed. Ruby and I took to the west by jumping from rooftop to rooftop, well, Ruby just used her semblance to get from roof to roof. We searched the west side of Vale until we reached a store where Yang and Weiss were exiting.

Y/n: Do I have to talk to them?

Ruby: Grow up.

Y/n: *sarcastically* Sorry for being abused for so many years.

I jump down from the roof top and infront of Yang and Weiss causing them to jump back in shock and surprise of my sudden appearance.

Yang: Where did you-

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