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" I wish I could be better for you,

Someone worthy of deserving you..."

Lucas' POV

Luna's horrified scream reverberated in my mind as I watched Darien shield her with his body. My heart raced with fear for my brother's safety as I struggled against the restraints binding my hands and feet, desperate to break free and help.

A gunshot shattered the tense silence, and I watched in shock as Manuel's body slumped to the ground. My gaze immediately sought out Darien. Relief flooded through me as I realized they were both unharmed. Darien and I had already worn bulletproof vests before coming here. It was Darien's call to be prepared for whatever may come our way.

Vincenzo sagged against the chair, clearly exhausted and overwhelmed, and soon slipped into unconsciousness. Carlos approached Manuel's body, a regretful and pained expression on his face as he closed his brother's eyes. "I'm sorry, brother. I wish it hadn't come to this. I'll see you in hell."

One of Carlos' men hurried to untie me, and I rushed to Luna's side as soon as I was free. Before I could reach her, another man approached them. Stepping forward, I blocked his path. "We've got this. Back off!"

He glared at me angrily, trying to push past, but I stood my ground. Despite his muscular build, I refused to let him get any closer to Luna and Darien.

"Darien!" Luna cried, her voice choked with emotion as she hit his chest. My attention snapped to the two of them.

"Luna, are you hurt?" I asked, kneeling down beside her and gently caressing her cheek. Her eyes met mine, filled with tears and relief.

"Luca..." Her voice trembled as she threw herself into my arms, the force pushing me onto my backside. Although stunned for a moment, I quickly grabbed her waist and hugged her tighter. She straddled me, her whole body shaking as she held onto me as if her life depended on it.

"Are you okay, Elise?" The man named James approached her, and I couldn't help but notice the confusion in his voice as he glanced at my brother and I.


"James, you're okay too," Luna sobbed, recognizing him.

She knew him? I shot James a sharp glare, my grip tightening on his wrist when he attempted to pat Luna's head. Darien intervened, stopping him before he could touch her.

I held Luna close, comforting her as she cried in my arms. "You're safe," I whispered to her, more for my own reassurance than hers. "Baby, you are okay." The thought of anything happening to her was unbearable.

"It's okay. We're all okay," I murmured, continuing to soothe her until her trembling gradually subsided.

"What a heartwarming reunion," Carlos remarked, his tone carrying a mixture of relief and concern as he supported Vincenzo's with an arm around his shoulder.

"Vincenzo, is he okay?" Luna rushed over to Carlos' side. Instantly, I missed her warmth. Damn, Vincenzo!

"He'll be fine after some rest," Carlos assured her as she approached.

Carlos eyed Luna with a curious expression. My instincts kicked in, and I stood up immediately. "So, you're the girl he's been talking about all this time."

"He talked about me?" Luna's voice was soft, filled with emotion.

Darien and I hurried to Luna's side, positioning ourselves on either side of her. Carlos glanced at us, a smirk playing on his lips. "Don't worry, I have no ulterior motives. Besides, I have someone waiting for me too," he added with a wink.

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