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"Love planted a rose
The world turned Sweet."

- Katherine Lee Bates

Luca's POV

"Who are you?", I asked.

"No one you should know of. Hand the girl over and your free to go!", came the response.

The lights flickered and eventually went out, leaving us in complete darkness.

"Basement corridor. Fugitive on the run. We need backup and many injured. Over and out.", one of the guards spoke over the walkie talkie.

"Put your hands behind your head and get out on the ground. Now!", screamed one of the guards in front of us. His gun aimed at the end of the hallway in the darkness.

The walkie talkie sounded, "Copy that chief!"

The figure that was there earlier laughed, stalking towards us. As the footsteps got closer, the three guards with us started panicking and one of them kept shooting in the darkness.

Darien drew Luna closer to him as she was still asleep, nevertheless trembled unconsciously in his arms. I stood in front of them.

We heard a groan come in front of us. Our eyes snapped to the sound. The emergency lights of the exit came on, revealing a grotesque scene. The figure held another guard in front if him as a shield as he walked towards us, the red lights making it impossible to make out who it was.

"Ahh, what a surprise. You two are here as well."

"Who the fûck are you?".

"Now now. Lucas, we don't want no more blood spilled. Don't you remember me?", he asked.

"No. Speak! Now!".

"Very well. I'm your favorite childhood playmate. Remember when you would cry all the time because you couldn't play with my car? Hmm...", the figure spoke.

Recognition struck me as I remembered who it was.


"Lucas, get your own car! Don't steal mine!", spoke Huffman. We called him Huff for short.

"But, but, can't I play with your car?", I asked him as a 4 year old child.

"No!", Huff screamed. Huff was 10 at that time.

"But why not?".

"Because your are dumb! Get that through your thick head!", Huff bellowed while poking my forehead with two of his fingers. He laughed maniacally.

Darien was with father, training, which left me with only Huff to play with. None of the other mafia members had any children yet.

"Please Huff!", I pleaded, crying.

"Fine. But do you want to play with an even bigger car?", he asked.

I nodded, innocently smiling.

Huff grinned evilly. He took me to the road next to the huge garden we played in. He made me stand in the middle of the road. "Until I allow you to, you cannot move! Okay?", he asked.

I nodded.


With that he left. I got bored of waiting on the road, it was pretty hot outside too. Since, I would train in the evening with dad, every morning dad was reserved for Darien.

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