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"Goodbyes? I wish they never existed."

Luna's POV


"Long time no see Luna." He smiled. 

"How the fûck did you get in here?" Darien met his eyes with anger.

"Darien, long time no see. I missed you there." 

"Lucas." He greeted.

His attention shifted to the other members as he settled into a cross-legged position in front of us. Another man followed suit, taking a seat beside him without a word of introduction. "I've just wrapped up an undercover mission," he disclosed.

Will had certainly aged, subtle lines grew near his eyes in contrast to his newly and neatly trimmed beard.

An undercover mission? Sounds intriguing.

"What intel did you gather?" Darien inquired cautiously, stealing a glance at the silent man seated beside Will.

"Shush! Haven't you heard? Even the sky has eyes and ears," Will replied, a hint of humor in his voice.

Darien shot him a piercing glare. If glares could be lethal, Will might have met his demise a thousand times over. Finally, after an agonizing pause, Will continued, "Nevertheless, I can share this much. Killing two birds with one stone."

"Are you certain?" Darien probed, still skeptical.

Will nodded.

Tension lingered in their small gathering, and I couldn't help but sense the growing awareness from the other prisoners around us.

Are we drawing too much attention?

Vincenzo cleared his throat. "Time's up!"

Both men shot him a look that silently asked, "Do you have a death wish?"

Breaking the heavy stares, I gestured towards the man seated next to Will. "Who is that?"

"Ah, Luna. I forgot to introduce him to you. This is Henry. He's my sworn brother, caught in the wrong place at the right time. Wrong place because he almost witnessed me doing some..." Will paused, clearing his throat, " Right place because he found me," he finished with a smile.

My gaze shifted to the man beside him, avoiding eye contact and staring into space. "He's a bit shy around people due to social anxiety, but he'll come around." Henry had the blondest hair I had ever seen, complemented by beautiful skin and striking green eyes. He stood almost as tall as William. His eyes, however, betrayed no emotion, resembling more of a soulless stare.

I nodded in response, feeling it was the polite thing to do.

The guards entered the ground, signaling that our time was up. We quickly said our goodbyes and went back to our rooms.


Currently, I was tending to Luca's wounds using some medicine we had found in the medical kit provided during my recovery.

My eyes drifted across his body, reminding me of how much he had grown up.

It was still surreal to me that all those years had slipped away in the blink of an eye. I had slept through the passing of countless months only to wake up in a future that felt like a mere minute.

"Ouch! Be gentler," Luca winced, drawing my attention back to his wound.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Then do it yourself." I placed the medicine bottle in front of him and turned away, huffing, as I noticed Darien emerging half-naked from the washroom. His wet hair clung to his forehead as he moved towards the closet to find something to wear.

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