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"Your absence makes
my whole world seem empty
No words can explain the sadness
In the depths of my soul"

Luna's POV

I woke up feeling weak and tired. I groaned as the alarm rang signaling it was breakfast time. I ran my hands through the bed to find Lucas and Darien, without opening my eyes. And then it hit me, they were gone for a week. It's been 6 days now, they 'll be out tomorrow.

The bed felt cold without them. I don't know how I survived all these days without them. Will told me not to worry about them and that they were safe. Just a small fight. I was going to ask more but he always distracts my attention somewhere else.

Within these past few days, me and Will have grown quite close to each other. I learnt that he has a husband and that he 'll be meeting him once he's out of here. 

I giggled. He also told me lots of cute stories about them. 

Poor guy! It must be so hard for him without his husband next to him. I remembered dad looking at mom's photo everyday after she passed away giving birth to me.

A sudden knock at the door startled me. I snapped my head towards it.

"Luna, come on you have to get out of bed. Breakfast time!", he yelled.

I groaned and got out of bed to wear my shoes. Well, there wasn't really much of a choice, so I wore my old pair of sneakers that I wore almost everyday. They are getting tight. 

Hmm... did my feet grow?

"Alright! Let's go!". I said as the guards put the handcuffs on me. Do they have to do it every time?

I then went beside Will and caught his hand as we walked towards the cafeteria. I sighed, another day without them. I had got so used to being around them that I don't like being alone anymore. With them, it's much better.

I looked down at our intertwined hands. It's strange, but when I hold Will's hand, it doesn't give me the same feeling as when I'm holding Luca's or Dari's hand. Although, it didn't feel bad but it felt like I was with family when holding Will's hand. But holding their hands on the other side made me feel embarrassed and shy.

I miss them... Sigh!

"Luna, don't be sad! Just one more day and then they 'll be out", he assured me showing his cute dimples.

I smiled at the thought and nodded.

As we went towards the cafeteria, I saw Lucas and Darien sitting at the table. As soon as my eyes landed on them, I slipped my hand out of his and ran towards them. Jumping on Darien's body, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Darien quickly reacted by holding me up by my butt, after pulling his handcuffed hands from above my body. I placed my head in the crook of his neck, wrapping my handcuffed hands around his neck. 

Stupid handcuffs!

"I missed you so much Darien!", I cried, unable to hold back the tears. I did miss them every time they were put in solitary confinement.

Darien cooed in my ear sweet nothings while patting my butt lightly. I sniffled in response clinging to him like a koala.

Lucas stood behind me. "What cupcake? You didn't miss me?", he asked hugging me from behind.

I looked behind me as I leaned towards his chest and sighed. They are the best!

We giggled as Will came and stood next to us. He too smiled at our reunion.

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