Sarah gave you a wavering look but nodded her head and walked off.

You turned around to face Rafe and he towered over you. Rafe gave you a smile.

"So what's up?" you asked.

"Nothing really I just wanted to see you and ask you something," Rafe replied.

"Which is?"

"Would you like to dance?" Rafe requested.

"Um maybe not right this second because-"

"You know what forget about it, no worries,"
Rafe assured.

"Can I at least get you a drink?" Rafe asked.


"You look beautiful by the way," Rafe complimented.

You smiled, "Thank you."

JJ was watching you from afar. He could see that you were talking to Rafe. There were alarm bells ringing in his head. Rafe was bad news what was he doing talking to your sweet self?

JJ continued clearing glasses so he could go back and wash them. He couldn't clear the bad feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. When he looked over at you again his heart broke a little bit at the sight of you throwing your head back in a laugh. Your hand was holding Rafe's arm and Rafe was smiling as you laughed.

JJ clenched his jaw. Yeah you weren't his but he was still jealous. He should be the one making you laugh not Rafe. He couldn't stand it so he went in the kitchen and started washing glasses.

JJ was told to come back out and clear more glasses only a few minutes into washing. With a sigh JJ ventured out into the party. He glanced in your direction and what he saw made his heart stop.

Rafe was putting a tablet in your drink. He was showing you something on his phone with the other hand. JJ froze, he didn't know what to do but he knew he couldn't just stand there and let you get drugged.

JJ's blood was boiling. How dare Rafe try and take advantage of you. Rafe is gonna loose his head because JJ was gonna rip it from his body. JJ legs were running faster than his mind.

JJ's heart dropped to his feet when he saw you take a drink. JJ raced over there in record time. He put his hand on the small of your back and took the drink away from you. He then dumped it on the floor and threw the glass at Rafe.

JJ took hold of your arms and told you to stay there. He then punched Rafe right in the face. He grabbed Rafe by the collar and said, "If I ever see you go near her again I will kill you," he spat.

"Come on angel let me take care of you."

You didn't know what to think one minute you were there talking to Rafe and the next JJ was here ushering you away. You felt like you were drunk.

You felt safe with JJ. His presence was comforting. So you let him take you away from the party.

With great difficulty JJ got you to the château. You were slurring your words and JJ did his best to hold you up.

"In here pretty lady," JJ ushered you into his room at the château.

"You smell good," you mumbled.

JJ laughed, "alright just lay down now."

"I feel dizzy," you held your head.

"I know I know everything will be better in the morning you just need to rest," JJ assured.

"Let's get your shoes off," JJ added.

JJ took off your shoes and then tucked you into his bed. He wanted to make sure that you were safe and out of harms way. You were the girl of his dreams. He felt like he needed to protect you.

"Goodnight Y/N, go to sleep," JJ whispered.

Your head was spinning and you didn't know what to do other than sleep. So eventually you went to sleep, breathing in JJ's scent.

JJ went to go sleep on the couch. He wanted to give you your space. He wanted to be there and watch on you but he decided to do that from a far. JJ didn't want to overwhelm you.


You woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. The light from the sun shined through the window causing you to wake up. Your head was pounding. Your body was aching. You didn't know where you were.

You looked around the room confused as to how you got there. You were scared because you didn't remember leaving midsummers.

JJ was on the couch when you entered the living room.

"Hey stranger," JJ called.



"Do you know what the heck happened?" You asked.

"Um well first I think you should sit down," JJ ushered you to sit next to him.


"Alright you were at midsummers talking to Rafe. And he was trying to drug you. He put something in your drink and I couldn't get to you in time before you took a drink. But luckily I finally got to you and got you out of there. I safely brought you here and let you sleep it off in my bed," JJ explained.

"Woah," you took a moment to let his words sink in.

"I'm glad you were there to save me," you were feeling appreciative.

"I'd do anything for you you know that right," JJ stated.

"I do now," you responded.

"Can I kiss you?" JJ asked.


JJ leaned in and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and gentle and JJ kissed you with care. Like if he kissed you any harder you might break. Your lips moved together in sync. He cupped your cheek, thumb moving on your face.

When he pulled away you were both breathless. You looked into JJ's blue eyes and fell in love. You could swim in his eyes. You had a new found appreciation for JJ. He saved you from what could have been a terrible situation, and for that you were eternally grateful.

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