Only You

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"She follows me around all the time, it's insane."

JJ continued his rant to John B about a girl

"I can't go 2 seconds without her clinging to me."

John B sipped his beer and replied, "As much as you don't want to admit it, your kinda of a chic magnet, mate."

Unbeknownst to JJ and John B, you came back from the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. You could hear your boyfriend talking about somebody. You just didn't know who.

JJ rolled his eyes at John Bs comment and continued, "I'm telling you she won't leave me alone."

You felt your heart break a little hearing JJ speak of you like this. You were quick to assume he was talking about you, his girl.

John B tried to ease JJ conscience by saying, "have you tired telling her you have a girlfriend."

"Too many times actually. And when that doesn't work she just slips me her number written on a napkin."

Your mouth dropped open, you had no idea he was talking about some other girl. That's when you decided to break your silence and make your presence known.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend?" You questioned JJ, almost annoyed but not quite.

JJ whips his head around at your sudden entrance, as you walk into the bedroom. He can tell by the tone of voice that your upset.

John B whistled lowly into his drink, as JJ sat up and tried to explain himself.

"Um no baby, it's not what it sounds like."
JJ spoke fear evident in his voice.

"Then tell me who this girl is?"

"Well, I don't know when you joined in on our conversation, but she's just a girl I work with."
JJ confessed.

John B did not want to sit through the early stages of an argument. He started to get up when JJ stuck his hand out for him to stay.

"And she likes you or she thinks your available?" you asked JJ again.

"Well um I've explained to her multiple times that I'm in a relationship."

You nodded your head as you encouraged him to continue.

"She um thinks I can do better, says it's not that serious."

"And what do you say back to that." you asked crossing your arms.

"I don't know what you want me to say, y/n. I tell her i'm taken and she can't get the message. I work with her, what else do you want me to do without risking my job."

"Do you like her? I don't know JJ tell her no. Don't flirt with her." you spit back at him.

"I don't! I only talk to her to shut her down or when it's something work related. I can't do anything that would get me fired."

You were getting worked up now and emotional at the thought of JJ with another girl, your eyes started watering.

"Since when have you ever cared about getting fired." You couldn't escape the words that were coming out of your mouth before it was too late.

JJ's face fell.

John B got up at that saying he was gonna go get another beer.

You bit your tongue as it was just the two of you now. You waited for him to speak.

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