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You and JJ were the best of friends. You did everything together. He was your person you told everything to. He was your partner in crime. There were no secrets between the two of you.

You and JJ were on the couch that was on John B's porch, enjoying the rain. The rain was blanketing the outer banks in water, soaking the grass and trees.

"I love the rain," you stated.

"Really why?" JJ asked.

"I don't know it makes me feel less alone, like the sky is crying with me."

"That's a really good reason," JJ replied.

"Thanks," you smiled.

"You want to dance?" JJ asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"In the rain?" You questioned surprised.

"In the rain," JJ confirmed.


JJ got up and reached his hand out for you to take, which you gladly accepted. The two of you went out on the grass and JJ held onto one hand. Then he put one hand on your waist and you put the hand not holding his, on his shoulder.

You guys danced and he spun you around and you got soaking wet. You were having a lot of fun though. You were having a blast and so was JJ.

When you were finished JJ ushered you inside as you giggled.

You both changed into dry clothes and afterwards JJ had an idea.

"Let's make some hot chocolate," JJ announced.

"Yes please," you answered.

JJ whipped up two mugs of cocoa and you both sipped yours quietly.

"Tastes good," you whispered.

"Wanna watch a movie?" you asked JJ.

"Sure," JJ replied.

You both settled into John B's living room and put on spider-man. You ended up falling asleep on the pullout couch.

A couple days later you were all going out on the boat. The day was bright and sunny perfect for going out on the water.

JJ was looking at you in your bikini top. He knew he shouldn't be looking at his best friend like that but he couldn't help it. You looked hot and JJ could hardly look away from your chest.

You were oblivious to JJ's ogling. You were happy to be on the boat with your friends.

"I can't believe the weather is so nice," you spoke.

"Yeah it's perfect," Pope responded.

"I thought it would be windy out here on the water," JJ said removing his attention from your breasts.

"Hope we can catch some fish," John B announced.

"Should be able to," JJ commented.

While the boys were fishing, you Kiara and Sarah were on your phones. You were looking through your photos and you noticed how many you had of you and JJ.

There was one of you two at the beach with the waves in the background and a pretty sunset.

"Can I post this J?" you asked.

"Let me see it."

You handed your phone to JJ and he took it. He scanned the image and smiled a genuine smile.

"Yeah that's a good one. Go ahead fire away."

You gave him a smile and decided to post the picture.

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