Chapter 62 - Some more trauma needed

Beginne am Anfang

 He grabbed an extra pillow and put it in the middle of the bed.

 "Don't cross this." He said seriously before lying down and falling asleep within the span of a few seconds.


 Why am I even here then?

 To look at your little pillow wall?

 Well, rather than the pillow wall, Neuvillette sure is a sight to look at.




 I'm damned.

 There goes my relaxing evening.

 But since it's gone now, I sure as hell will enjoy the view at least.

 Saying Neuvillette is gorgeous is an understatement.

 Especially with that small peaceful smile on his face and his hair spread out around him like a halo.

 And so I found myself just staring at him till I...

 I woke up with a startle.


 When did I fall asleep? 

 Was I more tired than expected?

 At least one thing was easy to figure out.

 The reason why I woke up.

 I looked down at Neuvillette's foot which was up against my stomach. From the slight lingering pain it was obvious that he had kicked me in his sleep.

 I should probably be glad he didn't kick any lower.

 Somehow I didn't take him for the type to move around in his sleep much.

 I chuckled slightly at the picture my mind conjured of Neuvillette tossing around in his sleep, which if I thought about it more, did fit his current childlike behavior.

 I moved my line of sight to look at him and-

 My smile fell in an instant.


Snow's POV

 My frown deepened the more I looked at this Wriothesley guy's file.


 What a troublesome bastard Neuvillette picked up.

 As if he didn't have enough trauma on his own.

 He needs some more in his relationship too? 

 I wonder how much he himself knows about Wriothesley.

 I reckon not too much. He is the type to keep the investigation minimal unless the situation is dire because a child is involved.

 I had been right. Neuvillette didn't stop me from investigating him.

 He did give Pierro a look when they accidentally came across each other yesterday so I'm sure he knew about the investigation, but as expected, he just let me be.

 Zhongli on the other hand...

 I'm not sure how he found out about it so soon, but he demanded a copy of the results.

 Unfortunately, I had to inform him that Neuvillette shut the investigation down and he walked away all depressed.

 Idiot with the IQ of a rock.

 If Neuvillette had shut it down, it would have happened way before he could have found out about it.

 But I wasn't gonna correct his mistake.

May this promise last a lifetimeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt