Chapter 28: Dillon's Revenge Tour

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Dillon POV
Refer to Chapter 7 for last Dillon POV

The spring break trip really opened my eyes to how people see Eli and talk about him. I was around him for most of it early on, then he started to spend more time with Henry, leaving me with the other people in the group.

Many saw him as Elliott's brother or the kid in the diapers. However, the ones that got to know Eli ended up really enjoying his company. He had that kind of effect on everyone.

Seeing Eli go over that fence lit a fire under me. He was my best friend, and I hated how other people saw and treated him when they didn't even know him. He was just a normal kid with an abnormal situation, and people continued to go at him for it. He was quite unaware of how bad it could get sometimes, particularly among those who didn't really know him.

Usually, when people would make fun of him or bully him, it was to continue to tear down a kid who was frequently torn down—an easy target. Now that he was growing more likable and popular among many people at school, he became a threat. The sudden discovery of his running talent didn't help.

As I carried Eli to the locker room, I started to devise a plan to finally get back to all those who were tormenting him. Isaac and Alec were the main bullies that I knew of. The plan came to fruition as I rummaged through my bag and looked for a spare pair of shorts for Eli, as his diaper had leaked a bit, so I went to find a pair for him. What I found was a bottle of fast-acting laxative pills.

During the spring break trip, I had gotten constipated to the point where my mom bought me laxities to help. They did. My mom bought me some fast-acting laxatives so I wouldn't be constipated for the meeting. I made the mistake of taking the normal, slower-acting ones, and I ended up waking up in the middle of the night to a giant mess in my diaper, just to change and find that I did it again in the morning. I hadn't messed my diaper for a long time, then I did two times in one night. That's beside the point.

I studied the bottle with a smile. It was a misplaced bottle of fast-acting laxatives. I decided I was gonna get Eli's bullies to take it. I saw my opportunity walking back to the locker room. Isaac's water bottle lined up neatly along the fence with everybody else's. I made it look like I dropped something near there, crushing the laxatives in my hand and slipping them into his water bottle. I then knocked it over on purpose and allowed it to mix in the water.

A rush came over me—the same rush when I got Colin to pants Elliott. I loved seeing people get what they had coming to them. All I had to do with Isaac was sit and enjoy the show, as it only took less than an hour to do their trick.

I brought Eli his pair of shorts just to find Henry in there already, making out with him. Henry looked up at me, stunned, but I already figured that had sparked again. Those two couldn't spend more than an hour together without things getting heavy. I tossed the shorts at Eli, apologizing under my breath, and headed out.

I exited the locker room to find Noah waiting outside. "Is Eli alright?" he asked me. "He took a hard fall."

"Umm. Yeah. He's fine." I said, standing in front of the door.

Noah looked at me strangely. "Mind if I go see him?" he asked.

"Yeah... no problem, Noah!" I stammered loudly as I moved away slowly, trying to warn them.

It didn't work.

"Noah?!" I could hear Eli as I stood outside the bathroom.

"Oh..." Noah laughed. "You couldn't hang, but you found plenty of time to swap spit with some rando!" Noah said it loudly.

The next thing I heard was the stomp of feet as Noah exited the locker room, with Eli following behind.

Eli grabbed Noah by the arm. "It's not like that," he said.

"Then what's it like?" Noah said.

Eli couldn't answer. Noah took a deep breath.

"I'm not mad about you seeing somebody else," he said calmly. "I'm mad that you were not up front with me. I feel that I at least deserve that."

"You did. And I'm sorry." Eli said as Henry walked out of the locker room as well. "Just please keep what you saw to yourself."

"Of course," Noah said.

"Thank you." Eli replied, and Noah left.

"I'm sorry." I said this to Eli as he turned to face me.

Eli opened his mouth to say something when Henry grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. "You seriously just let him walk right in?!" Henry angrily spit in my face as he set me down. "Some kind of friend you are!"

"I'm not your friend." I angrily replied back.

"Stop it, guys!" Ei said as he stepped between us. "Dillon didn't do it on purpose, Henry. It's not a big deal. Noah is cool."

"We are having this conversation later." Henry stated as he stomped away. "I have an event coming up."

Eli and I stood there as he was stinking up the hallway. "You should probably change." I said.

"Yeah." Eli chuckled. "You're absolutely right."

"I'm sorry again. I just seem to ruin everything." I apologized again.

"Whatever dude. There is no need to apologize. You are my best friend." Eli said.

"Thanks," I said with a big smile. I was tempted to tell Eli about my plan, but I wanted to surprise him. He changed, and we headed out to watch some events, but my eyes were glued to Isaac whenever he was in sight.

The 4x400 came up soon after, a race that Isaac and a few other senior boys did, and were very good at. Most everyone's attention was on that race, as it was more of an entertaining one. My eyes were glued to Isaac, who usually went last. A smile grew as I saw Isaac grow noticeably more and more uncomfortable as race time approached.

The race began, and Isaac was bouncing up and down in preparation for his turn. He suddenly stopped and began again. Isaac's movement and body language were much more entertaining to me than any race going on. When his turn arrived, I could see his noticeable discomfort, even from a longer distance away.

He ran fast, but on the first bend, he began to slow down, with others catching up to him. Coaches and the other runners started cheering him on, as well as those in the audience. He was still unable to get back to his speed, and on the last bend, he stopped, grabbing his stomach in pain. Everyone, of course, was concerned. Isaac stood up and began to run off the track and towards the locker room, but only made it a few steps before he bent over in pain again.

Isaac let out an audible groan, and a stream of brown liquid began to run down his legs. You could hear an audible groan from the crowd and other athletes as they witnessed the mess Isaac left on the track. It seemed to go on forever as he lay down on the track, unable to control himself.

People surrounded Isaac as they checked in on him, and a smile grew on my face. Finally, he could know what it felt like. You could hear many of the other athletes, students, and some parents start laughing and pointing.

"That's awful," Eli commented. "Ironic, but awful."

"I guess you could say that." I chuckled.

They ended up cutting the meet short and sending everyone home. It was the thing everyone talked about at the school the next day, with everyone asking if they had heard about it. Rumors spread like wildfire, and eventually the story everyone settled on was that Isaac claimed he had food poisoning due to the cafeteria food and lost control. Quickly, everybody began to call him "Reah," short for diarrhea. This was a story he would never live down.

After about a week, the story dies down, but he no longer messes with Eli. That rush never left me—the rush of being able to see a bully get a taste of their own medicine. As the school year started to wind down, Eli started to spend most, if not all, of his time with Henry. It got to the point where, if I invited Eli over, it became certain that Henry was already over at his place or that Henry would be joining him. I felt like I was losing my best friend.

I wanted to talk to Eli about it, but it felt unfair for me to ask him to spend more time with me. I know how much he liked Henry, and I honestly didn't know how long it would last for those two. As soon as there was a threat of being outed, I bet on Henry bailing again and leaving Eli a mess.

They had a few close calls that I knew of, but nobody had caught them yet. However, some people began to see signs and would torment Henry and Eli about it. Alec was the main culprit. He would call them every name in the book.

The last event of the school year was a trip to Knott's Berry Farm a few weeks before the end. At the beginning of the school year, the school started a fundraiser, and the graduating class that raised the most money was rewarded with the trip; all expenses were paid. Others were invited too and were able to go at a discount.

I'll be honest, it sounded fun, but I was dreading it. I knew I would be third-wheeling the whole time, and Jacob, who had become who I spent the most time with, was unable to come. I decided to go anyway, as I hadn't been since elementary school and would probably have fun.

We piled in the back of the bus, Henry and Eli sitting in one seat together and me sitting on the other side. Taylor sat next to me, and we began talking about what rides we liked and were excited about. I had always liked Taylor, but I knew she didn't like me back. We were good friends, and I didn't want to ruin it.

Then Alec came sliding down to the back of the bus. He saw the group of us and began to laugh. "Oh, Dillon," he said with a wide, sinister smile. "Are you rebounding with Taylor now that Henry stole your boyfriend." His comment made many of the people around us burst into laughter.

Henry and Eli ignored him, but the comment bothered Taylor. I decided to fight back. "You'd be lucky to pull any of us." I said.

Alec laughed. "Yeah sure. I think I'll pass, buddy," he said as he sat down in the seat in front of us with one of his buddies.

The conversation Taylor and I had died, and she had begun to talk to the people behind us. I was there, still fuming at the fact that Alec could get away with all he does all the time. Just because he was good at football, he was allowed to be a jerk to everyone. I decided to even the playing field.

The laxatives I had in my track bag were in my backpack just for times like these. I started to brainstorm how I could get Alec to take these. What I would only consider divine intervention was when the bud broke and Alec's water bottle rolled at my feet. I knew it was his, as it had his last name and football number on it, along with the school logo.

I picked it up, quickly opened the laxative bottle, and crushed the tablets in my hands. I looked around to find everyone unaware of me, lost in the conversation they had with everyone else. I added a bit more just for good measure. I opened his bottle, pushing the powder into it, closing it, and shaking it for good measure.

I tapped Alec on the shoulder, and he turned to face me. "What do you want?" he said.

Without a word, I handed him his water bottle. He snatched it from me and turned back around, opening it up and taking a big gulp of it.

Our bus was at a complete stop as we hit some traffic. It was a short 30-minute bus ride generally, but you never know how much traffic can get. However, my attention was locked on Alec, who at first was blissfully unaware. About 30 minutes later, with us being five minutes away, he began to shake his leg furiously.

"Damn, bro!" he said to his buddy. "Can we get there quicker? I gotta go!"

I smiled with glee, and I knew it wasn't long before the real show began.

The bus came to a full stop again as Alec grew more antsy by the minute. "Mr. Stevens!" he called out loudly to the assistant principal sitting at the front of the bus. "I gotta go, and it's an emergency!"

Everyone's attention was now on Alec. "It's that cafeteria food again!" a freshman boy jeered from the middle of the bus, followed by a roar of laughter.

Mr. Stevens stood up. "Enough of that!" he called out. "Alec! We are a few minutes out! Can you wait?"

Alec nodded nervously and furiously tapped his leg. As we began to pull up in front of the park, Alec stormed up to the front. "Open the door! I gotta go NOW!" he yelled.

The bus was still moving, so the door did not open. Alec began to shake the door, pushing it open himself. He fell forward on the pavement. The entire school bus was looking out the windows at the scene Alec was making.

Alec got up quickly, wincing in pain and grabbing his stomach. He groaned loudly and only got a few steps away from the doors before he lost his battle. He groaned loud enough for everyone to hear, and a loud wet fart could be heard before brown liquid began to rush down his legs. He started to run away, leaving a trail of brown in his wake. The bus, however, remained silent for the most part. Some laughter, yes. But a tense feeling took over as everyone watched Alec struggle towards the gates with a trail of poop behind him.

Mr. Stevens approached Alec as he tried to get into the gate, but the gatekeeper would not let him in. They allowed him in after Mr. Stevens talked to them.

People began to whisper among themselves, and most did not talk about it like they did with Isaac. Many were worried that they might be next. We waited for Mr. Stevens to come out, and when he did, we all filed into the park.

It was a blast. The park was pretty much empty except for us, and the lines were super short. I ended up hanging out with Taylor and some of her friends a lot more, and I didn't feel like a third wheel. Everybody seemed to forget about the Alec situation until we got on the bus at the end of the day.

The four of us quickly got to our previous spots, and Alec wasn't too far behind. He was usually loud wherever he went, but he was quietly looking down at the ground. Almost everybody stopped talking as he made his way down the aisle.

Alec was wearing some new clothes, all of which were too small for him. A green and white striped shirt that barely fit over his torso and some black tight-fitting athletic shorts that weren't close to his knees. There was also an incredibly obvious diaper bulge, with the white waistband peeking out of his shorts. Everybody knew what it was, but nobody dared say a word. Well, expect a few.

"Is Alec wearing a diaper?" Someone called out. The bus burst into laughter.

"He looks like he stole my baby brother's clothes!" Another called out, followed by more laughter.

"Shut up!" Alec screamed as he sat down in the chair in front of me. "Mr. Stevens made me! It's school policy!" The bus fell silent as it pulled away.

The conversations eventually picked up again as the bus grew to its normal noise level. I was sitting there quietly when Alec turned around towards me.

"I know it was you." He angrily muttered under his breath. "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay."

I gulped nervously. There is no way he knew. There was no way.

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