Chapter 12: Caught Wet and Padded

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"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" I texted him.

"Could you come over? It's not something I'd like to talk about over text," he replied quickly.

"Yeah," I replied. "Is it urgent? Should I come over now?"

"If ur not busy," he replied.

I looked over at Noah, who was sitting on the couch. I was contemplating telling him I was busy. I wanted to spend the night with Noah, but I didn't know if I would get another chance.

I also still feel bad for not trying more when it comes to Jacob. I had heard of his struggles through my mom, but I figured if he was, he would reach out. This was probably it.

I texted Jacob back. "I'll be there soon." I looked over to Noah, who was still sitting on the couch with a smile.

I put my phone in my pocket and grinned at him awkwardly. "I have a favor I need to ask you," I said.

"What is it?" He said this as his expression turned serious.

"I need to go by my friend's house. He seems to be going through something. Mind if you give me a ride?"

"No problem," Noah replied, his expression changing to disappointment as he stood up from the couch, grabbing his keys.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing his shoulder as his back was turned to me. "It won't go unnoticed," I said with a grin as he turned to face me. He smiled back as I leaned in closer, grabbed the back of his neck, and passionately kissed him. I don't know what came over me at that moment or what gave me that surge of confidence, but I liked it.

We separated and headed for the car. As Noah drove the short distance to Jacob's house, he had his left hand on the steering wheel and his right hand on my thigh. As we arrived closer to Jacob's house, I put his hand in mine. Noah pulled up in the driveway, and I wanted more than anything to stay in this car with Noah.

"If you want to come back over, just shoot me a text," Noah said. "My parents will be gone this weekend, so I'll have the house to myself."

"Sounds like a plan," I said as I opened the doors, hopping out of the car and shutting it behind me. Noah sped off as I approached Jacob's door. His mom answered, clearly tired and not happy.

She tried to look happy to see me. "Hi, Eli! I'm glad you're here. I've missed seeing you around."

"I've missed being around," I responded.

"Jacob is upstairs." She replied, moving out of the way so I could walk in. "I'm sure you remember the way," she said as I took off my shoes.

"I do." I laughed as I made my way to his room.

The house was dark, with the only light coming from the kitchen. I walked up to Jacob's room and lightly knocked on the door. No answer.

I knocked a bit harder this time. Still no answer.

I knocked even harder. The sound of a door opening startled me, as it didn't come from the one I was standing next to. Jacob's older sister, Tessa, swung open her door, pushed past me, and opened Jacob's door.

"You don't need to be knocking here, Eli," Tessa said, a bit fed up. "Strangers knock, and you ain't no stranger."

"Okay," I replied.

Tessa lowered her tone. "Fix him, will you?"

I nodded, still confused as ever. Jacob was on his bed, with large over-the-ear headphones on, in complete darkness, only the moonlight peeking through the blinds bringing light into the room.

I flipped the light switch on next to me, filling the room with light and startling Jacob. He sat straight up and threw his headphones off. "Hey Eli," he replied. "I didn't expect you here so soon."

"I was in the neighborhood," I replied. "What are you listening to?"

"Oh," he replied sheepishly with his head down. "Drake dropped a new album; have you heard it?"

"Not my jam," I replied.

"Oh, that's right," Jacob replied, playing with the cord to his headphones between his fingers.

"What's up?" I finally asked after a long silence. "You weren't on the basketball game, and you're kind of on the team, right?"

There was an even longer silence. "I'm not on the team anymore."

"Why not?" I asked.

"My grades," he replied.

"I assume you didn't have me come over to talk about your grades. You've always been smarter than me in the first place." I said.

"No. It's something else." He replied, stringing the cord between his fingers faster.

"What is it? You can tell me anything; you know that, right? I know it's been a while, but nothing changed." I stated.

Jacob paused his fidgeting but remained speechless. "This is harder to say than I thought. How about I show you?" He finally spoke.

I sat on the bed beside him as he pulled out his phone. He showed me a video. A video of him standing in the middle of a locker room in a wet diaper, pants around his ankles, and several people laughing.

"That looks familiar," I said with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah," Jacob said with a slight smirk, putting his phone down.

"But why were you in a diaper?" I asked. "You don't need them, do you? If you've been in diapers this whole time, been able to keep it a secret, and haven't said anything to me, I might hit you."

Jacob's smirk grew. "No, I don't need them. It's just..." he paused.

He was now actually looking at me, as his eyes had been down this whole time. "It's just that ever since you have had your accidents and been wearing them, I've wanted to wear them too."

He paused again. "I know this sounds weird, but when we all wore diapers during the sleepover, I've been hooked. It's all I can think about sometimes. It's completely ruined my life. I got kicked out of school and kicked off the team, and my parents can't even look at me. I don't know what to do."

"Can I be honest?" I asked a few seconds after he finished speaking.

"Always," Jacob said.

"It's not that weird. Diapers can be pretty cool sometimes. But they also stink," I replied. "At least they suck when you always have to wear them."

"Like when?" Jacob asked.

"Like when you are doing something with friends and don't have a spare and need to leave early. When you are about to get with a guy and you realize you need a diaper change, When you have to modify your wardrobe when you go to the store so a kid doesn't notice your diaper and announce it to everyone in the near vicinity." I rambled on.

"What's happened to you?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I also do enjoy them from time to time." My mom and I have never been closer, and I have made some great friends because of it. So... I guess I kind of understand why you want to wear them."

"Thanks," Jacob said, leaning in for a hug. "But what do I do? I still can't get them off my mind except when I'm wearing them."

"Then keep wearing them," I replied.

"You think that would work?" Jacob asked.

"Well, for me, I didn't mind diapers at first, when I only wet the bed. If I'm honest, I wet the bed on purpose some nights so that I could stay in it. But after wearing it 24/7 for a few days after I started having accidents, I wanted nothing more than some normal underwear." I replied. "It's worth a shot."

"Well, I am in diapers as long as I'm grounded. I think my parents think they are punishing me." Jacob said.

"You're in a diaper right now?" I asked.

"Yep," Jacob said with a smile as he stood up and took off his pants to expose a dry white diaper, showing it off for me.

"I need to pee and poo so bad, but now that I'm forced to wear them, I'm super embarrassed to use them now that everyone in the house knows I use them," Jacob commented.

"It's just you and me here, Jacob. Go ahead." I said. "Also, mind if I borrow one; I've only got a good night on right now, and it's already full." I pulled down the front of my pants to show him my soggy goodnight.

"Yeah, go ahead. I do owe you one." Jacob replied as he walked to the closet to grab one. He bent down, grabbed one, and handed it to me.

I took it from him, and he grabbed his stomach in pain as it made a loud sound. "You good?" I asked.

"No. Like I said, I've been holding it all day." Jacob replied.

"Just go, dude. It's not like you haven't seen me do it." I replied.

Jacob smiled. "Go get changed before you leak."

"Not until you go. You're going to hurt yourself if you continue to hold it." I replied, folding my arms, my diaper tucked between them.

Jacob shook his head and doubled over in pain again. He let out a grunt and a push, as the audible sound of the diaper expanding was noticeable as he loaded the back of his diaper. He let out the biggest sigh of relief and stood up, the front of his white diaper growing yellow slowly. Jacob widened his stance and pushed again, loading the back of his diaper again as the front continued to grow damp and began to sag.

After he was finished, the diaper sagged between his legs, holding on for dear life, the front yellow and the back brown.

"Damn," I said. "That's impressive. I have yet to fill a diaper like that, and I've been wearing them for quite some time."

Jacob waddled over to me. "Mind if I go first?" he asked.

"Go ahead," I said as Jacob waddled past me, bent down, and picked up his pants. He tried to slip them back on, but the very full diaper made it difficult. He managed to get them on, but there was a very noticeable diaper bulge.

"If you're going to be doing this diaper thing, you're going to need new clothes unless you want everyone to know," I commented.

"You're probably right. Thanks, Eli. I love you, dude." Jacob said.

"I love you too, bro," I responded. "Good luck with that monstrosity you have between your legs."

"Which one are you talking about?" Jacob asked jokingly.

"That's not even funny," I said, smiling and pushing him away. "Quit joking around; you're making the room smell bad."

"You're not going to offer to help?" Jacob asked jokingly as he waddled to the door. "You're kind of a pro."

"Yeah... no. Maybe another time, but not now." I replied.

Jacob waddled away as I took the time to take off my soggy goodnight and slip on the new diaper. As I finished and was slipping on my pants, Jacob's mom walked in.

"Hey," I said awkwardly. "You don't mind if I borrow one, right?"

"No," she said kindly, "you need them."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Well, how did it go?" she asked. "I'm really worried about him."

"It went well; he seems much happier now," I replied.

"Do you think this will go away?" she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I think maybe if you have him wear them 24/7, he might grow sick of them. I wish I were more of a help here, but I don't have a choice in my scenario."

"You're a great help, Eli. Thanks!" She said it with a smile. "We are going to enroll him at Jordan here soon, so I hope you keep an eye on him."

"I will," I replied. "He is my best friend, after all."


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