Chapter 13: Eli the Diaper Guide

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After Jacob came back into his room, he stood in front of me in a t-shirt and a freshly changed diaper. "So.." he said. "How about you spend the night? My mom will only let me hang out with you."

"Um... Sure." I replied. As much as I wanted to get back to Noah, this was more important. I texted my parents to let them know I would be staying over at Jacobs.

Jacob and I spent hours playing video games in nothing but our diapers and t-shirts for most of the night, munching on chips and chugging sodas. While it was weird to see the friend I've had most of my life wearing a diaper alongside me, he seemed to be enjoying it, and so was I.

After 2 a.m., we decided to put the games down and head to bed. We stayed up another hour just talking. Jacob seemed so much more relaxed, and I heard him laugh more that night than I had since high school started. I always figured it was basketball and a brand new school stressing him out.

"So?" Jacob asked as the conversation hit a lull. He sat up against the backboard of the bed, hands resting on top of his head, causing his shorts to lift, completely exposing his already wet diaper.

"Give me a rundown on the whole Henry situation. I haven't heard anything since the sleepover," he asked with a smirk. "Anything happen?"

I blushed. "Not really. We've had our run-ins, but nothing too exciting." I said. "I've gotten over him, I think. At least I hope."

"You got yourself a rebound?" Jacob asked with excitement.

"Kinda, I guess." I replied, still blushing, scraping the top of my head.

"Who is it? Do I know him? Or her? You could be going both ways now, for all I know." Jacob interrogated me.

I laughed. "It's another guy. I was over at his place before you called." I replied.

"Oh shit." Jacob said, "My bad."

"No worries. His parents are gone for the weekend, so we'll see where it goes." I replied. "This is more important than that anyway."

"You're a good friend," Jacob said. "Like seriously."

"I know," I said with a smile. "Your mom seems to think so."

"She is not wrong," Jacob replied. "I'm excited to start going to school with you again. It just wasn't the same without seeing you all the time."

"Same here," I replied.

Another lull in the conversation came, and I spoke up. "Can I ask a possibly awkward question?"

Jacob nodded.

"Do you think that wearing a diaper all the time will make you grow sick of it?" I asked.

"A part of me just had his dreams come true and hopes I get to wear them forever. But another part of me hopes I grow sick of them and leave them behind." Jacob chuckled. "No offense, but I don't want to be known as the high school diaper boy; you can keep that title."

"It's not so bad after a while. People move on." I replied. "While I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I also wouldn't trade it for the world, you know."

"My situation is a bit different than yours, though," Jacob said. "I don't need them. If I'm about to leak, I can just stop using them. If I need a breather, I can just switch back to my underwear."

"They get hot, don't they?" I said.

"Oh my god, they do. And they get itchy and smelly." Jacob replied.

"If that ain't the truth, You don't even know the half of it." I said.

"I'm glad I get to have a diaper guide as experienced as you," Jacob said. "However long this goes on for me,"

Diary of a Diaper Boy: Part IIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora