Chapter 51: Outing

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It was a strange place I awoke in. I appeared to be in a little meadow with flowers everywhere. What was off-putting though was the bed of red spider lilies that surrounded my body. Where am I?

I examined myself to see that, instead of my pajamas, my clothes now resembled that of a priestess. At least my necklace is still here. I thought while fiddling with the beads. As I did so, something caught my eye. I raised my right hand to see a red thread tied around my ring finger with the other end stretching endlessly in the distance. I wonder where this leads to.

Getting up, I subconsciously followed the thread in hopes of seeing where the other end connected. However, to my disappointment, there was no one. The thread looked abruptly cut off with no signs of its other half in sight. My expression fell. There's no one I'm connected to.

"Hahaha! Found you."

"What?" The clear sky was suddenly devoured by dark clouds and the beautiful greenery of the meadow died before my eyes. A man I had never seen before appeared from the purple clouds and he immediately sent chills down my spine. From his piercing red eyes to the creepy eye on his strange armor. This guy was bad news.

"Those fools thought they could hide you from me but they were far too late." The demon said as he sent the green tentacles attached to his back at me.

"Stay away!" I shouted while running for my life. I ran as fast as I could but he was faster. I didn't need to turn around to see how close he was to capturing me.

"Your power shall be mine."


Before his tentacles could grab me, a bright light intercepted and destroyed them, leaving nothing left. "Keep your filthy hands off of her!"

My eyes widened when I recognized my savior. It's that guy again. From his bright red kimono to his fiery amber eyes, I watched as cosplay guy obliterated the demon with an attack from his large sword.

The silver-haired male landed on his bare feet and looked around for any more enemies. "You alright?" he asked as he walked over to me.

"Mhm. Thank you for saving me." I muttered, feeling very self-conscious at the moment. This guy wasn't human either yet...he felt so warm. What is this feeling? Like I've known this guy for a very long time.

"What are you to me?" I asked in a daze. It felt like every fiber of my being was being drawn to him and I didn't understand why.

He didn't respond. Instead, he turned away from me and started running away.

"Wait, please! Don't go!" I reached out to stop him but my fingers only grazed his sleeve before he was out of my range. He was gone and once again I was left on my own. The warmth was gone and my chest began to ache.

Don't leave me alone.

3rd person pov

When Kagami woke up, she sat up and rubbed her aching temples. Ugh my head. What was I dreaming about? She closed her eyes trying to recall the events of her dream but alas there was nothing. She frowned in frustration. Why does it feel like I'm forgetting something important?

She lightly smacked her cheeks deciding not to dwell on the matter. Oh well, a dream's a dream after all. "Alright, no more moody Kagami." Today I'll open up and make some friends! She thought, full of energy. However, she froze in place when she saw the time on her clock.

A scream echoed throughout the entire house.

Haku was barely able to get out of the way when his sister came running by in a frenzy. "Whoa there. What's the rush?"

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