Chapter 26: Demon's True Nature

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3rd person pov

Kagami snuck around behind some of the burnt houses to stay out of the bandits' sight as she tried to come up with a strategy. I need to break that cocoon. If I can free Inuyasha and Miroku, we can fight off the bandits and get back the Tetsusaiga. First thing first: Find a safe spot with a good angle.

The chief named Gatenmaru was still seated while his men ravage the village for spoils. Two of them carry a huge pot of sake to him. "Found some sake, Chief." One of them said. Another bandit was dragging one of the captured women over to him. "Hey! Come over here and pour!"

The terrified woman bends down in front of Gatenmaru, trembling as she poured the sake into his cup. He laughs as he takes a look at the cocoon the half-demon and monk reside in. "Half-demon, you've weakened considerably. Serves you right. Siding with humans and attacking like that."

Another bandit drags a woman towards Gatenmaru and pushes her onto the ground. "Hurry and serve the Chief!"

The chief laughs as he pulls open the woman's clothes. "Are you afraid, woman? I like your face." He sticks out his long tongue and thrust it into the woman's throat. The other captured women gasp in horror as her body shrivels into skin and bones.

Kagami watched the scene as her body shook with fear and unbridled rage. That disgusting beast! She contained herself as she hid away from a bandit that was walking by.

The bandits stared at their chief in shock. "He's a demon." One said. "Every woman the Chief had disappeared mysteriously. We used to wonder about that." Another noted.

Gatenmaru looks at the cocoon again as he grabs another woman. "The poison has traveled throughout your body. You can watch me until you die, half-demon! As I devour these women one by one."

Kagami frowned as she continued sneaking around the bandits until she found a decent spot to shoot the cocoon. As she drew back her bow her focus was interrupted as one of the men shouted in discontent.

"What the-!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Kagami watched as the old man they saved earlier got up and grab the Tetsusaiga from one of the bandits.

"Huh?! Hey, old man!" Said a bandit.

The old man ran desperately to the cocoon. " the women!" However, all is lost when two more bandits appear to block his path.

They ruthlessly beat the man to the ground ready to kill him for his treason. However before they could finish the old man off, an arrow shot in between the two, knocking one of the men off balance. The arrow passed by their chief, lightly cutting his cheek.

"Get away from him!"

Gatenmaru glanced at the arrow pinned to the ground behind him, dumbfounded. "An arrow?"

Kagami wasted no time rushing to the old man's aid as the bandits' were trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'll be fine," The old man said. He weakly held out the Tetsusaiga to her. "Please take the sword to him. Save us."

"Understood." Kagami took the Tetsusaiga and fastened it to her sash. She stood protectively in front of the old man fiercely aiming another arrow at the men standing before her.

The bandits composed themselves as they turned their attention to the woman in question. "Huh, who the hell are you?! Why isn't she tied up with the others?!" one said.

"She wounded the boss!"

"You'll pay for that wretch!"

Inuyasha watched on in dread as he desperately squirmed in Miroku's hold. "Kagami!"

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