Chapter 37: Questioning Resolve

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3rd person pov

"Fox Fire!" One by one the demons were incinerated by Aisho's blue flames. "Hmph big in numbers but small in power." He huffed, not breaking a sweat. However, the fox frowned as he sniffed the air, sensing a stronger demonic aura elsewhere. Though there's another cause for concern. There's a scent here stronger than the rest. Where is that demonic aura coming from?


His ears twitched at the call of his name. He frowned seeing Kagami out in the open again, endangering herself. "What is it this time?"

"Are there any weapons in this temple?" She asked.

"Weapons?" The fox thought long and hard trying to recall the layout of the temple. "Hm I think there was a storage room those monks kept on the third floor but I told you I can handle this so-" There it is again, that strong aura and it's approaching fast. He frowned at the sky in frustration. I don't see anything in the air. That could only mean...He looked down at the lake in realization as he saw the water rippling.

It's underwater! "Kagami, get away from there now!" He shouted.

"Huh?" A demon sprang from the water. Its body was that of a serpent with a head of an angler fish. Its sickly pale blue skin was luminous as the light from its glowing ball shined eerily in the night. The creature wasted no time in going after its prey: the one with the jewel shards.

A giant serpent?! "Waah!"

Aisho was quick to save her as he grabbed her waist, carrying her to safety. "You slimy vermin! Don't you dare touch her!" He snared throwing balls of fire in retaliation.

"Raaaghh!" The serpent caught aflame as it reeled back in pain, diving back down underwater.

"Haah, damn worm." He huffed.

Kagami was about to thank him until she noticed blood seeping from his left arm. She reached out and carefully held his arm, feeling guilty for causing him trouble. "Ai, your hurt..."

The fox simply smiled and waved the girl off expressing how little it bothered him. "Don't worry about me and go back inside."


"Nah uh, no exceptions. Now go." He sternly said. Kagami merely sighed, nodding reluctantly as she headed back inside, leaving him to handle the demons.

"I have to protect this place until he comes back." He mumbled with a frown. Despite killing so many already there were still hundreds of demons flying around. Not to mention the serpent underwater waiting to make its next move. "Damn Kazuto."


The fox's ears stood up as they recognize the voice calling out to him. His attention was drawn to the man in black heading in his direction. "Oh well speak of the devil."

"Where's Kagami?"

"Safe inside," Aisho said pointing to the temple behind him.

"Good, I'll take her away from here then." He said already making his way across the lake.

"Hey at least help me clear the herd you lovesick fool!"

Kazuto ignore him as he watched the yellow light that faintly glowed underwater. "What is that?"

Ai shrugged. "An aggressive sea worm."

"Why haven't you killed it?"

"Oh geez, I don't know. My friends up there just looove me so much they can't get enough." He smirked with pride.

His grin grew when he saw the irritation on the Reaper's face. "Stupid fox."

He snickered at the comment before looking up at the demons around them. "Anyway, do you know who sent all these demons?"

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