Chapter 47: Heartbreak

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(A/n: Sorry that this one took a bit longer. Wanted to draw a chapter cover this time and I'm really happy with the results. ^v^ Anyway enjoy the angst!)

Morning came but it did little to appease his worries. Haku was pacing around in the dining room, subconsciously setting the table for breakfast. What should I do? It's been so long. Will she even be comfortable enough to open up to me? He didn't realize until now that, besides the day he came home, this was their first time finally sharing a roof after two years. He thought about going over to Kagome's place to ask if she knew anything but he really didn't want to leave Kagami alone right now in such a vulnerable state. His thoughts were interrupted when said girl walked into the room. "Oh Kagami, good morning! I made breakfast for us."

Kagami looked at him with a neutral expression as she set her backpack down. "Thanks."

Haku's brows furrowed in concern as his gaze landed on her bag. "Why do you have that for?"

"School." She said, keeping up her short responses.

He let out a sigh as he crossed his arms. "Kagami today's Sunday. Besides, you don't need to go."

Kagami's gaze fell to the ground as her expression saddened. "Why? Did I fail?"

"Well, no but-"

"I'm going to because I haven't been attending. I'll be held back and there's nothing I can do about it." She muttered in a broken tone as her mind was clouded with negativity.

Haku clenched his fists as he stared at her with a soft expression. "Kagami, let's just relax for the day." He walked over and placed an arm over her shoulder, bringing her over to the table. "Come, join me for breakfast." She gave a small nod as they both sat down at the table and began eating.

The silence was less than pleasant. There was an uncomfortable tension hanging over them as they finished their breakfast. Haku sent a few worried glances at her hoping that she would speak first. He wasn't used to her being so quiet and reclusive. He didn't know how to handle her like this.

He jumped a little when he saw her get up from the table with her empty plate. "Thanks for the food," she mumbled before turning around to put her dishes away.

Haku quickly got up and he called out to her. "Hey!" When she looked back at him, his tone became more awkward. " you want to talk about it?"

Kagami pondered on the offer. "..." she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She wanted to tell him everything but she didn't want to think about it right now. Her heart was in so much pain and she hardly had the energy to walk around.

The older male frowned as he immediately understood her hesitation. He walked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as he looked down at her with a gentle smile. "Don't push yourself okay? I'll be here if you need anything. Go get some rest."

If she wasn't so exhausted right now, she would have cried into his arms on the spot. Instead, she gave a small nod, muttering a small "Thank you." Before leaving to hole herself up in her room again.

Haku sighed as his gaze met the floor in uncertainty and confliction. I don't know what to do...

All he did know was that whoever it was who put his sister in such a state was going to pay.
Besides Kaede, who was gone to handle village duties, everyone else was outside of the hut as they waited for Kagami and Inuyasha to return. When they heard footsteps approaching, they looked to see that it was Inuyasha coming towards them. Alone.

Miroku observed him with a small frown as he spoke up first. "Inuyasha, where were you?"

"At the well." He replied in a distant tone.

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