Chapter 39: Gentle Flames

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3rd person pov

That was...Awesome! I can't believe we just did that! "Inuyasha hands up!"

The half-demon turned to the giddy girl, confused, but did as he was told. "Uh, sure."

"We did it!" She cheered, smacking their hands together.

"Marvelous! You two were in perfect sync!" Myoga praised.

After their mini celebration, Kagami looked to the sky to see two sparkling shards falling in the air. "Look Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha nodded as he jumped up to catch them. "Got 'em." He stared down at his hand with a raised brow. "Just two?"

"Well, Aisho caught the rest before he was smacked away." She recalled.

Inuyasha groaned at the inconvenience. "Damn come on, we're getting them back." He quickly placed Kagami onto his back before running off. Finding Aisho didn't take too long since the smell of his blood was practically everywhere. When they spotted him, he was currently slumped against a tree unconscious and bleeding.

"Ai!" Kagami got off of Inuyasha's back and made her way to his battered body. She carefully cupped his head and laid him down on her lap as she began to inspect his injuries. A large gash on the back of his head probably from being flung so far. Multiple cuts of various sizes littered his arms along with a few bruises he sustained from fighting.

"He's bleeding a lot." She sadly murmured while petting his hair. All because of me...

"He'll survive," Inuyasha said with a frown. He was quite irritated by their sudden closeness despite everything. He didn't think she would get along with a guy as...eccentric as him. The half-demon huffed as he turned around to speak to her but his jaw dropped when he saw what she was doing. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Kagami was mere inches away from the fox's face as she peaked up at him with lowered eyes. "I promised him a kiss if he defeated the demon."

Kagami tilted her head, confused by his reaction. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! You're seriously about to kiss one of the guys who kidnapped you! Besides I was the one who killed it, not him!" He yelled with crossed arms.

"Well, technically Kazu kidnap me while Ai kinda acted as my bodyguard. Also, there were two serpents so his counts as well." She corrected.

Inuyasha stumbled back in disbelief, staring at her with a look of betrayal. She even has nicknames for them?! "Y-you-Fine do whatever you want!"

Why is he so worked up? "Oh." Kagami's eyes widened as she connected the dots. She contained a laugh as she looked fondly at the sulking half-demon. "Did you want a kiss?"

Inuyasha almost snapped his neck from how fast he turned around. "What?!"

"You're upset 'cause you want one too right?"

"Huh?!" It was hard to distinguish his face from the color of his kimono as he was taken aback by the girl's straightforward comment. Of course, being the Tsundere that he is Inuyasha was bound to mess everything up. "Yeah right! I could care less about some dumb little kiss from you!"

"Then why are you getting all defensive?"

"I'm not! Like hell I'd be interested in kissing a brat like you!"

That seem to trigger a negative response as she shouted back in anger. "Fine then! I won't kiss you even if you beg me to!"

"Like I care! It's not like I'm missing much anyway." He said in irritation. However, once he saw her expression he was hit with immediate regret.

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