Chapter 38: Serpents of the Sea

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Kagami's pov

Come on I have to find something to be able to help! I've been running around this entire place looking through every room in hopes of finding a weapon I can manage. Standing in front of the last room on the third floor I made a small prayer before opening the door. Please be something in here.

I sorted through all the spears, staffs, and scrolls until my hand landed on a curved wooden bow. "Ah hah! Jackpot!" But honestly whoever thought putting a storage room up here wasn't practical at all. Looking further I was able to find spare arrows laying around however I was slightly disappointed with the amount left over. Only 3 huh? Well, something's better than nothing.

I left the room hastening my pace in hopes Ai was managing okay on his own. I hope he's alright. His arm was bleeding pretty badly. I found a doorway outside that led to the balcony of the second floor. I hunched over to catch my breath before straightening up and staring at the sky in surprise. The demons are gone. I saw Ai down below fighting off the serpent that attacked us earlier. However, my attention was focused beyond him, on land was Kazuto who appeared to be fighting someone. I couldn't contain the dumb smile on my face as I called out to the person I've been longing to see. "Inuyasha!" He's here!

3rd person pov

The fox sighed as he looked back at Kagami who was waving like a hopeless schoolgirl in love, which she technically was. "Hey, how many times do I have to tell you to stay inside out of trouble?"

"Don't worry I didn't come out here empty-handed!" She responded. Steadying herself, Kagami firmed an arrow at the aggressive beast. Unfortunately, it barely missed as the serpent retreated to the depths of the sea. "Darn just grazed it." She pouted.

Ai hummed as he playfully pointed to the side of his head. "Have you tried aiming for the head?"

Her frown deepened. "I'm doing my best here," Kagami said, positioning herself. Once the demon came up to the surface she fired again, this time missing completely. "It's moving around so much I can't get a good shot!" She groaned in frustration.

Aisho had the dumbest grin on his face as he cupped his cheeks. "My, being rescued by my beloved, I'm so flattered~❤"

Kagami sweatdropped as she watched him move around weirdly. "What are you doing?"

He didn't respond as he chuckled and made his way over. "Nothing~I just have to make sure to look extra cool now." He said while jumping on the ledge. From his sleeves, Ai slipped out two daggers. Bending down he crossed his arms over his face using his claws to draw some blood.

The serpent faced the pair directly, now charging head-on in hopes of devouring them along with the shards.

Using the rail for extra force Ai leaped forth with no plans of moving out of the way. The blood that coated his daggers began to fuse with the blades elongating them to an extreme degree. Making an X-like slash the serpent's head was cut clean off and it along with the body fell and sank into the water.

"Whoa, that was...Amazing!" Kagami squealed as she began to fawn over his spectacular display. "I didn't know you use daggers! And that cool thing you did with your blood!"

He smirked with pride as he placed his hands on his hips. "Yeah well a fox always has tricks up their sleeves and I just so happen to have plenty."

"Wait If you could do that then why didn't you use it before?" She reasonably questioned.

"Because controlling my blood is such a hassle. I mean if I use too much then I get all weak and queasy cause ya know, I need it to live and such. Oh and do you know how hard it is to get blood out of white clothes?! Ugh just thinking about cleaning them after this infuriates me!" He frowned, flicking his hair back. After his little rant, Aisho proudly smirked as he kneeled in front of her. "Now go ahead! Be amazed by my awesomeness."

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