Small life update

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Heya everyone it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry for the lack of updates (again) for the story but don't worry I'm not calling it quits yet. Motivation has been pretty rough with work going on and soon I'll be starting school again which I'm pretty scared for obvious reasons. Not only has my writing been suffering but my art as well and I really don't want to lose passion in either of them. Before school starts I'm going to try to focus more on them whenever I have free time so I'm not going to promise any consistent updates but I will do my best. I genuinely love writing this story and I want to try and put out the best writing I'm capable of so a lot of my ideas I planned months ago may get changed around and thus I have to fix future chapters to make the changes consistent. I also enjoy writing characters and their interactions and developments so editing takes me even longer.

I hope all of this makes sense to everyone. To make up for the lost of time, I was hoping to get three chapters done but revising and editing takes awhile and I have work in the morning so for now enjoy two chapters and those who are still reading this (for some reason 😅) I hope you guys enjoy! Author out! ✌️

Souls and Wishes {Inuyasha x Oc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin