Chapter 25: Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured

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(A/n: I'm back bby! Sorry for taking a while to publish a new chapter, school has been rather hectic. Here's a double update. Now I have changed some stuff around for development purposes but it all concludes the same way the anime did. Besides adding some spice keeps things interesting. Anyway I hope you all enjoy!)
I was sitting by a river splashing water with my uninjured foot. I hope Miroku wakes up soon. Sango said she was okay but I'm sure she must be blaming herself for what happened.

I stared down at the water watching some of the fish observe my foot. We were fortunate that Kohaku didn't follow through on Naraku's orders but still...there must be something we can do to save him.

My mood fell as I picked at the red beads around my neck. And this necklace...Kaede said it had some sort of protective power but honestly..."They're completely useless." I muttered, disappointed. What will it take to activate this thing? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone call out to me.


I leaned back looking upside down at Inuyasha, mildly surprised. "Inuyasha what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid." He said while sitting down next to me.

"You were worried about me?"

"Of course I was. Every time I look away, you are always getting hurt by something." He stated honestly.

My eyes widened, not expecting an honest response. My heart swelled at the notion as I giggled in joy. "Hehe, you really are a nice guy." Though I feel bad for always worrying him.

"Shut up, no I'm not," he said, turning away to hide his face. Being the walking-talking contradiction that he is, Inuyasha looked down at my left leg. "How's your leg? Let me take a look." He said, trying to grab it.

I leaned back moving my leg away from his grasp. "No, it's fine! I'm alright!"

"Don't be so stubborn. You're starting to sound more like Kagome." He muttered.

"Eh-" Inuyasha took the chance to carefully grab my leg while I was distracted.

He raised my hakama and frowned as he inspected it. "You got the bandages wet stupid. You shouldn't have been playing in the water."

"The wound isn't that bad. I can walk fine." I said with a shrug.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at my nonchalant attitude. "Still, you shouldn't be so careless."

"I get it so uh could you put my leg down? It's...embarrassing." I said trying to wriggle my leg free. The feeling of his hand on my bare skin was a bit much for me. Not to mention it's starting to cramp from being held up like this.

He raised an eyebrow not getting the problem. "What's embarrassing about it?"

Before I could respond Miroku intervened. "Sorry to ruin your moment but we're about to leave soon."

We both stared at him before looking back at each other and our predicament.

"..." I immediately slipped my leg out of his hand and clumsily walked away in embarrassment.
3rd person pov

The gang grabbed all their belongings and continued on their journey to find the sacred jewel shards. Currently, they were walking on a dirt path surrounded by crops.

"How's your arm Kagome?" Kagami asked.

"Much better now. How's your leg doing?"

Kagami tapped her left foot on the ground a few times before smiling in satisfaction. "It's alright. I'm not feeling any pain walking on it."

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