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Her life was perfect; she had two loving parents and lived in a castle. Then her mom got sick; no matter how many healers they brought in, no one knew what was wrong with her. Snow watched as her mother slowly faded away in front of her, and it was heartbreaking. She loved her mother so much, but she couldn't do anything to help her.

She watched as her father fell apart after her mother's death. She watched him go from the man who used to play games with her to the man who stared into space and forgot to live. She used to beg him to look at her, to see her, anything. But he wouldn't, he couldn't.

They wore black; the windows were shrouded in black. The castle spoke only in hushed whispers. Nothing grew on their land; it was like the castle was mourning the Queen as well. She was the heart of their Kingdom, so it made sense.

Then, she came. A woman whose laugh brought her father back to life. He smiled again; he saw her, and he looked at her. It might not have been enough for a lot of people since he only looked at her because she was standing next to her. But Snow would take any crumb she could get.

She can remember their wedding like it was yesterday. Red roses were everywhere, their scent and color almost overpowering. Their people showed up in droves to see the new Queen. Snow was put in a blue and yellow dress with a red cape. That became her uniform; if she wore anything else, her stepmother would treat her like she didn't exist.

But he was smiling, so it was okay. She was sent off on her engagement tour around the Kingdom. She couldn't ride in the same carriage as her Prince, and sometimes they weren't even in the same village, but she loved getting to see the people that she would rule one day. She shook hands when they'd let her; when they didn't, she'd wave out the window.

Everyone in the castle was crying, and she didn't know why, well, everyone but her stepmother. "Your father has passed while you were gone. I'm sorry." Ten words were all that were said to her. She was now an orphan with no one to talk to. This time, nothing was shrouded in black. The land didn't grow after her mother's death, but even the roses the new Queen planted refused to live.

Not that the Queen cared; she just had more shipped in and planted whenever the last batch died. Her engagement was canceled, and she didn't know why. Strange men were around; they looked at her funnily, and it made her uncomfortable. She couldn't ask the Queen about it. She wasn't wearing her uniform. So she didn't exist, but she couldn't. She was in the mandatory mourning period.

More men showed up at the castle. She'd hear sounds coming from her late parent's room; they were strange, and she didn't like them. They showed up at dinners and important meetings. It was a random rotation, but there were more than ten. If they tried to speak to her in front of the Queen, she never saw them again.

The day her life changed forever, she was in the stables, petting her horse. Animals were all around, trying to cheer her up. It never worked, she hadn't been cheerful in so long she wasn't sure she could even smile anymore. But they never quit, always staying by her side. At dinner, all she had on her plate was an apple; she'd learned not to question anything. The Queen was looking at her, so she ate it. She was obedient; she could earn the Queen's love.

When she awoke she was in the middle of a field, there was snow everywhere. But she wasn't cold. She stumbled into the town, where she saw smoke in the distance, and stumbled towards it. Her skin burned, but she was fine in the shade. She was hungry, but she had no money. All she had were the clothes on her back, and they were clothes she had never seen before.

Food never quenched her hunger, nor did water for her thirst. She was going to die, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Then, one night, she heard a scream. She picked up a brick and bashed it into the back of the man's head. The girl that was there ran. Snow had blood on her; she tried to wipe it away, but she tasted it. It was like her insides zinged, she looked at the man that was on the ground and the urge took over her.

She stole the cloak he was holding. It hid her from the sun. The next night, she found another man, and that was her life until she found Thalia. Saving Thalia was her greatest accomplishment. She had a friend for the first time in her life.

Her first job was getting rid of a husband that was beating his family. He'd already killed one of the children, but he was a part of the guard and couldn't be touched. When the job was done, the woman handed her a Won, and that was how she got her name.

The world soon forgot about the Princess, the Queen simply stopped answering any questions about her and soon people stopped asking. Her dreams died down over the years. Their eyes no longer scared her or haunted her. She just longed to find them. And she did.

Joon, with his big smart brain and dumb body that, got into so much trouble. Jin, with his ability to go from shy teddy bear to sex demon in an instant. Yoongi, who would rather sleep than do anything else, who would always indulge the babies when they really wanted it. Hobi smiled even when he was sad, the one who wouldn't settle if someone wasn't happy. Jimin, the cutest little mochi who could and would pop off at the drop of a hat. Tae, the goofy one that stirred up trouble but was ready to cuddle you to death every night. And Kook, the baby of the set. But he was the sweetest bun and the biggest little shit in the world. 

Seven WonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora