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"Whoa," Joon gasped out as he stood up, "sorry, just a bit woozy."

"Did I take too much?" She was starting to fret. None of the other guys had any issues, and she'd been nearly starving with both of them, and they didn't react like that.

"No, I'm good, I promise," Joon assured her. "But we should probably go eat something."

Snow felt a little better about having one more in the mix to feed from. It was a lot on Jin when it was just him. But he never complained, not once. Now she has three she can feed from, and two of them are back to their original size, with the other hopefully getting their body back tomorrow.

Joon woke up the next morning, and he was still small; Jin was standing above him with a sad smile on his face. "I guess I was wrong. I hope I didn't get your hopes up."

He had, but Joon would never tell him that. Joon waved him off, "It made sense that you thought that. But I'll keep researching, and we'll find the answer. Maybe it was nothing; maybe it just ran its course."

They spent the next month just doing their things. Hobi was the next one who had his curse broken; he had been really sick, and nothing was making him feel better. They finally got him settled down, but he wouldn't let go of her hand. So she spent the night holding it; she fell asleep, leaning on his bed with their combined hands resting against her cheek. She woke up the next morning to the brightest smile she had ever seen.

"Morning, beautiful," Hobi mused, his eyes twinkling.

"Morning," It took her a bit before she realized just why he was smiling so much. "It broke?"

"It did; maybe my cure was a wicked cold."

Joon was hunched over the table with all the books laid out in front of him. His hair was going in all different directions, and he looked beyond stressed. "Joonie, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed. "I'm just confused; he hasn't fed from you before, has he?"

Snow shook her head quickly, "No, never. It's only really you, Jin, and Tae on occasion. Jin and I had talked about telling the others, but we were afraid to since it didn't seem to be the cause."

"Give it a bit; let me just research a bit more, and if I can't find anything, we'll tell them."

She smiled at him, "That's fine with me. I'll follow your lead."

Hobi was brought into the loop regarding Snow, and he was more than excited to be added to the rotation to feed her. They were in the woods hunting Hobi, her, and Tae when Tae just couldn't keep his hands off of her. "Oh, uh, I can leave you two alone if you'd like?"

Tae grinned before going back to kiss down her neck. He was behind her, with Hobi a few feet in front of them. "Or," he whispered huskily, "you could join. She's a screamer and needs something to keep her mouth occupied so no one else knows what's going on."

Hobi gulped, "Do you do this a lot?"

"Every single day, either me or Jin fucks her. She's a needy little thing, but she loves to be used, craves it, really." He nipped at the vein on her neck, "we aren't far from home. They'd hear her screams and come running. So if you want to help me keep her quiet, I'd love that."

Hobi wanted it, you could see it in his eyes, but he was hesitating. She looked at them, "Please, I need you." She reached out for him, but her head was already getting fuzzy, and they hadn't even started yet.

He stepped toward her, "Anything you need, I'm here." He looked at Tae, "How do we do this?"

"Depends, do you want to fuck her mouth or her?"

It had been so long since he'd had anything, plus he loved Snow so fucking much. To be able even to kiss her was enough, "her mouth, I want to kiss her first."

Tae nodded as he made quick work of his pants and Snow's dress, "Such a good girl you are for me; you are already soaking wet. You were ready for me to fuck your tight little hole, weren't you?"

She whined loudly as she breathed out a yes. Hobi looked at her in awe, "she's perfect."

"You have no idea," Tae mused as he slid deep inside her. "Our little Princess here loves to be praised, so don't be stingy with them. Make yourself feel good, and she'll feel good. She doesn't even care if she cums or not, she just wants to be used and please us."

He was moving his hips slowly and rolling his hips into a circle at every thrust. Hobi pinched her chin, his eyes darkening as he looked between her eyes and her mouth. "I'm going to kiss you now. Do you think you can make Tae cum twice?"

"Sir," she whined. Tae was pinching her nipples, and she was having a hard time even forming a sentence.

Hobi glared a bit, "I asked you a question, Princess."

"Yes, yes, I can."

"Did anyone even think to ask me if I wanted to cum twice?"

The elder snorted, "Like you can't do that if it would make her happy?"

"Touche, please proceed." He started rocking his hips faster, making it hard for Hobi to kiss her since she was moaning so much.

"Man, you weren't kidding," he chuckled before he attacked her mouth again. He wanted to devour her until she couldn't breathe. He wanted to consume her entire being.

Tae came with a loud groan, but he never stopped rocking; he was still hard. He hissed a bit, fucking himself into oversensitivity. But nothing would stop him. This was all Hobi asked for. Hobi bent her over, and she was quick to open her mouth and swallow his entire cock. "Fuck," he groaned. "She's a damn dream."

Tae reached out and grabbed her hair to hold her steady while they both fucked into her as fast and hard as they could.

"You better cum this time, Princess, or I'll have Jinnie punish you."

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