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"What has your panties all in a twist?"

Jimin turned around and glared at Yoongi, "I just didn't think you would side with them. How could you betray your family like that?"

The elder scoffed, "For the last time, I am not a cat, so why would I want one?"

"Because they are cuddly, and you could nap with them," he was trying anything. He wanted a cat so desperately. "We've been here five years and are no closer to leaving. I want a pet."

"Yeah, but who would get it if we all fell in love with it and then the curse was broken? Could you do that to Tae or Kook? Let them fall in love with a cute little kitty and then snatch it away because you got a true love kiss?"

He deflated a bit; he was trying hard not to be grumpy. But it just always seemed like he got angry over the dumbest things. "First of all, five years, dude. Five years, and we are no closer to fixing this. Why should I worry about tomorrow when tomorrow will literally be the same as today? I want a cat, and if you can't help me, I will find someone who will."

"Yeah?" Yoongi yelled before he made himself comfortable in bed, "Good luck with that asshole." He smacked his pillow several times, "And I'm not a cat."

Jimin smiled as sweetly as he could; he sat next to Hobi and laid his head on his shoulder while looking up at him with his best puppy eyes. "Hi Jiminie, what are you up to on this beautiful day?" He snorted, leave it to Hobi to call living in a blizzard a beautiful day. They've been having a hard time catching game since it's the middle of winter. But even with all that's going on in his life, he's nothing but smiles and sunshine.

"I was wondering if you'd do me a big big favor?"

"Of course I will. You know I'd do anything for you."

That is precisely what he was hoping for. He crawled onto Hobi's lap and grinned, "Help me convince them to get a cat. I'm bored, and I want something to play with."

Hobi frowned a bit, "Minnie, that's not going to be easy, and you know it. Plus, you play with the other two all the time; you can't be that bored."

Tears started to form in his eyes as he blinked them away quickly. He sniffed up a bit. He needed to put on the whole show because, honestly, Hobi was the only one who would fall for this. "It's just that I can't cuddle them all the time, and you know how my love language is touch, but sometimes I'm too angry to be around another person." He swiped the tears away, "and if we had a cat, I could cuddle it whenever, and I could be my grumpy self without bringing anybody else down with me. Please Hobi?" He added a voice crack at the end to really seal the deal.

Hobi sighed softly, his hand running up and down Jimin's back. "I'll talk to them, but I can't make any promises."

Jimin clapped his hands before he squeezed Hobi half to death. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He all but screamed, "You are the best; I know you'll be able to convince them."

And he was right; Hobi was the man for the job because no one could ever resist his happy face. He smiles and charms everyone into doing whatever it is that he wants. So two weeks later, Jimin was the proud owner of a sweet little calico kitten that he named Seri. He loved her so much; she was a cuddle bug and would find any excuse to have someone dote on her. Even Yoongi wasn't immune to her charms, just like Jimin knew would happen. Those two napped together constantly. And it was the cutest thing ever, seeing two sleepy kittens napping.

Kook taught her how to hunt; she was brilliant and agile. She was more than able to feed herself with forest mice. She even caught a bunny once, much to everyone's amusement since the rabbit was bigger than she was, and she struggled to drag it back home. But they enjoyed yet another rabbit stew because of Seri.

She was currently hiding up in the raptors, and no one could get her to come down. No amount of pleading or treats they offered was bringing her down. She just kept getting higher and higher. When they found the cave, they knew that with some adjustments, it could be made into an actual home with some work. 

Yoongi might be sleepy a lot of the time, but he was extremely handy when it came to building things. So he had added large pieces of wood across the ceiling so they could use them for storage. Joon hung plants up there to dry. Jin used the lower ones to store food so vermin couldn't get to it. Hobi put the weapons up there so Joon would forget about them and NOT try to hunt again.

Yoongi had built their beds, table, chairs, and even the massive bookcase that Joon requested. He had even taught Tae how to sew clothes, and the younger had started making little stuffed animals with any scrap fabric he'd found. They were a little wonky, but it made Tae happy, which made everyone else happy. 

But those stupid rafters were now going to be their doom with their feisty little kitten. Jimin kept trying to jump to get up there and get her, but every time he missed, he'd get even angrier. Which, in turn, made Kook even more fun of him, so he just kept getting more and more upset.

As entertaining as it was to watch, they were making too much noise, and it was disturbing his nap. So Yoongi sat up and whistled, then he patted his bed, and there Seri came, jumping down beams until she was on Yoongi's bed. There, she turned into a circle before she laid down on his pillow and fell asleep.

"The betrayal," Jimin screamed before he stormed out of the door.

"You couldn't have done that an hour ago?" Joon asked from behind the book he was reading. All Yoongi could see was the top of his head.

Yoongi shrugged, "it was funny until it wasn't. That's why I stopped it when I did. I want to nap, and I couldn't with those two egging each other on."

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