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"And go where?"

She looked up at who had spoken; he had cat-like eyes, Yoongi she thought was his name. "Somewhere that's not here. It doesn't matter to me; I don't need much."

"There's nothing close, and the snow is only coming down harder. No one could survive that."

Snow scoffed, "I can. Besides, the cold never bothered me anyway."

"You said you were cursed."

"I did."

Yoongi stepped closer, "We told you ours; are you going to tell us yours?"

Was she going to tell them everything? Hell no, they'd run her out with pitchforks. Not that it would kill her, but she would rather not have holes and blood all over her cloak. "I can't die. That's how I know I'll be fine. I stopped aging around a decade ago when the Queen cursed me. I'm fairly sure that the only way I can die is if I lose my head. Not planning on that, so again, I'll be fine outside in the snow."


Her eyes darted to Seokjin, "and sleep where? We gonna cuddle?"

"Jimin can sleep in my bed; I like to cuddle when I sleep. And normally, my stuffed animal is enough. But he can sleep with me, and I'll cuddle the shit out of him, and you can have his bed. You seemed to like it."

"Tae's right, stay."

Jimin looked around and scoffed, "Is anyone going to ask my opinion? What if I don't want to give my bed away?"

"Like I said, Tae's right. Ignore the little one; he's a grump, but he'll be fine."

"Jin," Jimin gasped loudly. "So rude." He looked at Snow with a pout as he studied her. There was not much to see since most of her was covered by her cloak. He sighed a bit, "stay. I'll never hear the end of it if you don't, and then Yoongi will be mad because he won't have any peace to sleep. So, really, it's better for everyone."

"You sure?"

"He'll be fine," Yoongi grumped as he eyed the beams that were running across above them. "Give me a week, and I can make you a loft with furniture and everything. You can have your own little area to sleep."

"You can do that?"

The smiley one laughed, "Yeah when he's not sleeping, he's really handy when it comes to building things." His hand stretched out, "I'm Hobi, just in case you don't remember. Do you want us to call you Wons or Snow?"

"I'm not the Princess," she grumbled.

"Sure you aren't." He clapped his hands and smiled at everyone, "Well, we've been up all night. Let's catch a few hours of sleep and then start this day right."

"I'll get out of your hair, maybe go hunt something." She wasn't exactly hungry, but for now, she would have to rely on eating animals instead of people. Hopefully, she can feed from whatever she catches and then bring it home for them to eat. It was the best of both worlds.

"You don't have to. We have more than enough food, and we sleep like the dead, so you wouldn't bother us."

"I'm honestly restless, so a walk in the woods would do me some good." She walked over to the door frame and grabbed her knife, "I'll be back in a few hours."

She walked for a few hours, aimlessly wandering the woods for something to hunt. All she'd found so far was a few rabbits, and she'd need at least a half dozen or so to get enough blood and feed the guys. But they would run as soon as she could find them anyway. Not that she couldn't catch them if she really tried; it just seemed like a lot of effort for a non-filling meal. 

She grumbled to herself about how dumb she was to stay with them, but if they were right, it wasn't like she had a lot of choice in the matter. She could survive in the snow, but that doesn't mean she wanted to. "Ugh," she sighed. She looked around; yup, she might have to find the road that the guards use to escort merchants so they can arrive safely to the Queen.

Although she had no idea where that road was since she'd been avoiding it the entire time she was in the woods. Now, it might be her only hope, but then the guys wouldn't be able to eat unless the merchant happened to be bringing food. Fuck, three more hours, she'll give herself three more hours, and if she didn't find anything, she'll find the road, hope for the best, and then head back. There were thirty minutes left before her time was up, and she heard it; it was about a hundred yards off. An elk or maybe a deer were both typically rampant in those woods.

She stopped downwind about 50 feet from it; it was a male based on the size of it. He was a beauty, and he stood tall as he looked around. He was probably sensing the danger that was Snow. But he'd be dead before he knew what hit him.

A quick jump and a swift bite were all it took to bring the beast down. As soon as she drank her fill, she slit its throat; it would explain why there was no blood in the body as well as cover her bite. Couldn't let the guys figure out that they have a vampire in their mix. Not everyone could be as cool as Thalia; she was hella chill about the whole vampire needing to drink blood thing. A little too chill if Snow was being honest. She shook her head; zoning out in the middle of dragging a massive elk through the woods is not smart. She's actually surprised that she hasn't run into a tree or something.

It wouldn't take too much longer to get back to the cave. Hopefully, they hadn't been up long. She didn't want them freaking out about how long it took her to return. It's almost dinnertime, and she said she'd be back a lot sooner. Oh well, no point in dwelling on it now. Can't change what already is, she mused to herself.

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