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Tae looked so excited to show her, but she looked around, and there was nowhere that a freaking hot spring could be. Yes, he said it was hidden, but it's not exactly easy to hide a whole ass hot spring. He walked over to the bookcase on the back wall, and it only made her more confused. "See if you reach back here," he pulled her hand over, and she felt the latch, "pull on it."

There was a bit of a hiss, and then a blast of warm air smacked her in the face, "Wow, that's so freaking cool." She didn't even have to fake her excitement; she loved secret passages.

While she could see in the dark, she doubted Tae could. Before she even had a chance to say anything, he was already standing next to her with a lantern. "Come on, I know it's a bit scary in the dark, but we have this so we can see."

She wanted to roll her eyes; she wasn't scared of the dark. Even if she didn't have night vision, she still wouldn't be sacred. But she just nodded her head and followed him. It was basically a long hallway that was carved out by either animals or the Earth shifting on its own. But she could hear the water, and the closer they got to it, the warmer it was. When they got to the hot spring, there was an opening in the roof so anyone would be able to see during the day. It wasn't the greatest light, but it was light.

It wasn't as humid as she expected it to be; in fact, it was dry air in there. It was so dry that there were several clothing lines where they could hang their clothes to dry. There were two pools, one large enough for several people to swim in and a smaller one near the clothing lines. "We do all the washing in that one. If we need something clean, that's where we do it. The big one is where we bathe; Yoongi built a sorta seat with a massive rock. It took forever to get it in there, but it's nice that we can sit down and relax if we want.

"This is amazing," she breathed out. "Truly, Tae, this is awesome."

He was blushing, and it was adorable. "Come on, Jinnie should be ready with dinner. It's his night to cook, and he'll be mad if we aren't there."

"Tae," she rushed out, "I already ate. I'm not hungry."

He snorted before sneezing loudly. "It's cute that you think you'll get away with not eating Jin's food. He may be shy, but he's lethal with his guilt-tripping, and he will guilt-trip you."

Ugh, she did not want to eat. Maybe she could get away with pushing the food around, and he won't notice. That was wishful thinking because his eyes were on her like a hawk. He'd glare at her until she took a bite. She'd feel like shit later, but if it made him not pissed at her, she'd deal. "That's all you are going to eat?" Jin was standing behind Joon like he was the elder's protector. Which was hilarious, considering he wasn't shy about bossing her the entire time she was eating.

"Like I said, four times, I ate already. I wasn't expecting a meal when I got home. So, I ate as much as I could without getting sick; I always eat when I'm out hunting. You really don't have to worry about feeding me."

Jin just frowned before whispering something in Joon's ear. She tried catching it, but it was so fast that she couldn't make it all out. Before she could even ask, Tae bounced over and grabbed her hand, "Get comfy; it's storytime."

"It's what?"

"Storytime," he was wrangling Jimin into the position he wanted him in, much to the other's annoyance. Jimin was huffing and puffing about how he wasn't a stuffed animal. Tae just ignored him. "Every night before bed, Joonie reads us a story. We've been reading one about vampires; it's awesome."

Her entire body shifted, oh shit, this was not good. They didn't seem to notice her internal panic, so she tried to choke it down. It would be okay; surely they don't think that vampires are real. She can hide what she is; she has for years. The only ones that ever actually knew were the Queen and Thalia. "Sounds fun." It wasn't fun, it was torturous, but they all seemed so happy to be listening to it.

It took two more days for Yoongi to finish her room, and when she came home with a few rabbits, it was to Tae bouncing up and down next to Jin outside. "I'll take that," Jin refused to look at her. The only time he wasn't bashful was when he was mad about her not eating or when she brought home a kill he was excited about. "Go with him, he's excited."

Tae covered her eyes with his hands and directed her into their house; he opened them up and yelled Ta-da! It made all the other guys flinch as they looked at him.

"Tae," she groaned, "I've been here for days. Why are you so excited today?" It didn't look like anything was different.

"That," he said, all excited like a puppy.

She looked up, and all she could see were the curtains that were up yesterday; she looked at Yoongi with her eyes screaming for help. He chuckled a bit as he pointed to the ladder, "We finished it, and he really wants you to see."


Yoongi nodded his head and motioned for her to go up. She climbed up the ladder, and her room was done. She had a bed and curtains so she could close them whenever she wanted. "Tae made the bedding and the stuffed animal for you. You better thank him."

On her bed was Seri and a stuffed animal that looked just like the sassy cat. The bedding and curtains were purple and black, "I will."

"I made this so you have somewhere to put your clothes," he was pointing toward the wardrobe.

"Thanks, Yoongi; I'm sure Jimin will be excited to have his bed back."

He snorted before looking over the ledge and watching the two younger ones, "not sure how Tae is going to feel about it. He really does enjoy cuddles. Jimin will probably find Tae in his bed smothering him more than once, I'm sure."

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