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"And just where have you been?" Thalia was practically fuming, like Snow swore she could see smoke coming out of her ears.

"Just out and about, why?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Princess."

Snow scrunched up her face a bit, "uh oh, I'm in real trouble if you are bringing out the Princess title."

A piece of paper was thrown in her face, "she's after you."

There was a loud groan before Snow swatted it off of her, "She's always after me. What's new?"

"No, Snow," she groaned. "She's after you, not Wons."

That made her pause; all of the proclamations that the Queen had put out were for the fugitive known as Wons whenever she could connect her to it. But never has Snow been up on the chopping block. "Are you sure?"

Thalia waved her hand to the paper Snow had pushed to the floor, and there it was: a wanted poster with her face on it. Not the one of her in a hood because no one ever sees her face and lives. "Shit," she breathed out.

"Shit is right. Now," Thalia had her super mad face on, and honestly, it was starting to scare Snow a little bit. "I think one of two things happened. One: you let someone see your face and live. Or two: you killed someone significant."

Snow was doing her best not to look at Thalia because she had totally done both of those things.

Her friend snorted as she sat down on the bed Snow was on, "I'm guessing by your avoidance act you have going on that you not only did one of those things, but you went and had the audacity of doing both of them."


Thalia's hands went up in the air as she started to pace and rant, two of her favorite things to do when she was mad at Snow. "I seriously can't believe you. Who did you let live, and who did you kill?"

"Soo," she started but got cut off by Thalia throwing a pillow at her. "Let me explain," she huffed.

"Oh, please do; I'm dying to hear."

"Smartass," she grumbled as she ducked a bit to miss the next pillow that was aimed at her face. "As I was saying," she was slightly exasperated, but this was their dynamic. "I went to a Lord's house and found him with a fourteen-year-old mistress that was sold by her family. I took care of him after I realized that he didn't know shit, and then her parents. Mrs. Chesterfield took in the four orphans, and they are going to live happily ever after."

"You killed three people last night?"

"Three people that deserved it," she reiterated because they deserved it.

Thalia sighed as she flopped down on the bed, her head landing in Snow's lap. "They did, but now she's put together that Snow and Wons are the same people." A loud snort left her lips, "not that it was hard to put two and two together."

"I thought it was clever," she argued with no force or conviction behind it.

"Well, you know what you have to do now, right?"

"I know, but I don't want to; I don't want to leave you."

"It's not forever; you can always sneak back when the search has died down. But I don't want to see you hung, so run for me."

She lowered her head to look at Thalia, "it's not like hanging could kill me," she had already tried.

That earned her a hard smack to her arm, "No, but the beheading you'd get when they realize you are a demon will kill you."

She wasn't wrong. She's been shot, stabbed, drowned, and worse. But nothing has killed her. They figured the only way she could die would be a beheading, but they weren't too keen to prove that theory.

"Well, the upside is that it took her ten years to figure out it was me. So, like, yay!"

"Sarcasm will get you nowhere."

With a groan, she pushed Thalia off her lap and went to pack her meager belongings. It's not like she could take much with her, but she also didn't really need much. She didn't have to eat or drink like a human, and she'd always be able to find someone to feed from. All she needed was a change of clothes, her cloak, and a knife. Other than that, she was good.

"I'll head out before they get here to search the house."

"Be safe, Snow, please."

Their arms were wrapped tightly around each other as they both tried to hide their tears from the other. "Always, I left my half of the rent in the top drawer. I'll see you soon."

With one last look at her best friend, Snow pulled her hood up and darted out into the early morning sun. She couldn't freeze to death, so the snow wasn't an issue for her. But she was raised as a princess, so she enjoys her comfort.

Walking through the forest was calming; no animals came near her, and all she could hear were her footsteps. Just being alone in her thoughts is not always the best thing. So she did what any sane person would do: she started up a running commentary. "Don't trip. There's a branch coming up. That's a nice-looking boulder. Is that a river, I hear?"


Snow paused when she got closer to the river because there on a rock was a cat that was pawing at the water. Snow walked over and kneeled beside the beautiful calico, "what are you doing out here?"

All that got her was another meow and the kitty smacking the water again.

"Ahh, are you trying to catch a fish to eat?" Snow sat down next to the cat and looked into the water; there were lots of fish, and all of them were bigger than the silly cat. "And just how were you going to catch that? Hmm." But that didn't stop her from reaching into the water and grabbing a fish for the beautiful cat that promptly dug into her meal. "You are a little too clean to be a stray, and you have a bit of a belly, so you are clearly well-fed. Where do you live, little one?"

Seven WonsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant