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Snow was lying in Lord Chesterfield's bed while tossing a knife up in the air over and over. She was getting bored and had no idea what was taking him so damn long. Surely he'd want to get back so he could fuck his mistress. She was about to get up and go to him, stealth be damned, when she heard it. 

The front door was opening, and loud voices were heard. "I will see you tomorrow. You come with me."

His poor wife, having the mistress shoved in her face. But maybe she likes that; maybe she'd rather not have the fat douche rutting on top of her? The door opened, and Chesterfield walked in with a very young girl. This wasn't the mistress that she knew. "What are you doing in my room? Are you a gift for me?"

What a fucking slime ball, she scrunched up her face and wanted to barf. "If a gift implies torture, then yes, I am a gift for you."

That made him pause, with a dumb, confused look on his face. He started stuttering, and Snow did not have time for that. She held up her hand for him to shut up. Her eyes looked at the young girl before her, "how old are you?"

"Fourteen," she whispered as she was unable to make eye contact with anyone else in the room.

Snow gritted her teeth together, "Fourteen; you've got to be fucking kidding me." She looked at Chesterfield, "You have a wife that's of age; you had another mistress. Why did you acquire a new one and one that's clearly way too fucking young for this?"

"My wife is an old hag."

That earned him a knife to his thigh, fucking bastard. The Lord screamed loudly before the panic started to sink in. "I wouldn't pull that out if I was you. Right now it's keeping the blood in, if you take it out, you'll for sure die and I'm not quite sure if I want that yet."

"What do you want?" He was in pain, and it was pleasing to her. His blood smelled delicious, and she couldn't wait to get a bite.

"First I want to know how you got here, and what your name is," it was directed at the scared child that had her back pressed against the wall opposite of Snow.

"Emeline and my parents sold me to Lord Chesterfield six months ago. They couldn't afford to feed all of us, and I was the only daughter."

"How many siblings do you have, and what are their ages?"

"Three, and they are twelve, six, and two."

Snow slid to the end of the bed, "do you hate your parents for what they did." 

She waited a beat, and then blue eyes that were full of tears met her. "Yes. I wish for death every single day."

That was all she needed to know, "you know who I am?"

"They call you wons, but I don't have any."

"Don't worry, the good Lord here is going to pay for your freedom. Has his wife been nice to you?"

Emeline nodded her head quickly, "she sneaks me food when he's not looking."

"That's why you've gotten fatter," he scoffed.

 She glared at him, "And that's why you are going to die." She looked back at Emeline, "Go tell his wife what is going on and that the both of you are to remain in this house. I will be there in just a bit to speak to both of you. Do you understand?"

The child nodded her head before she quickly ran out the door. Then, all of Snow's attention was on the bleeding man in front of her. "Now you have two choices, you can answer my questions honestly and you will die quickly and painlessly. Or you can be a fuck tard, answer them anyway because I always get what I want and then die painfully. The choice is up to you."

She'd give him credit; he put up a good front for about thirty seconds before he caved. "What do you want to know?"

"That ledger I found in the false bottom of the drawer. What is my dear stepmother doing with all the money she's stealing?" She added to the dramatics by dropping the hood of her cape. Snow stood out, with her lips as red as blood, her hair as black as night and skin as white as snow. Everyone in their kingdom knows who she is.

"We thought you were dead," he gasped.

"And we are going to keep it that way since you are going to die tonight. Now stop avoiding the question."

He grunted before he fell into the chair next to his wardrobe, "Running a Kingdom is expensive. You should know that. That's what she's doing with the money."

"If that's what she was doing with the money she wouldn't need to hide it, try again."

The Lord rambled on about absolutely nothing for thirty minutes before Snow realized that he knew absolutely jack shit. That he was just the holder of the ledger, not anyone who was privileged to be in the know. So she stalked her way over to him and twisted the knife in his leg before pulling it out and licking the blood off of it.

"Mmh, delicious. I think I might want some more," and then she struck. Latching onto the vein that was throbbing on the side of his neck. She was going to drain him and then take his body to the woods and let the wolves finish him off while she comes back and speaks to the two ladies in the house.

And that's what she did; she told Emeline that she was going to take care of her parents for what they did to her and that she was going to bring her brothers there. Mrs. Chesterfield was more than happy to take them all in, she was sold by her parents when she was way too young to be sold and used so much that she was never able to bare children of her own. Now, she's in her mid-30s and wants nothing more.

The kids would have a safe and loving home where they could be happy and well taken care of. It took most of the night to do all of the tasks, but she went home satisfied with all she had accomplished. 

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