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Tae skipped behind Jin because he was so excited to be going on an adventure! Jin was way ahead of him, but there was enough snow on the ground that he could easily follow his tracks, so he wasn't worried. He just skipped along, singing to himself while he followed the elder through the forest. It was such a fun day, even if he was sneezing every five seconds.

"Tae," Jin screamed as he yelped loudly.

Tae rushed into the clearing to find Jin hanging upside down from a rope that was around his left foot, and Wons was standing in front of him about ten feet away, surrounded by snow. He started to rush forward, but Jin yelled at him to stop. He peered up at him, "What do I do?"

"Get a stick and tap it on the ground in front of you to make sure there are no more traps. You have to help Snow get out; she could die."

"Wons, she likes to be called Wons," Tae mumbled as he did what Jin said.

"That's right, Baby Bear, she does. And she needs your help. Can you do that?"

Tae nodded his head and did exactly as Jin asked. He made it to her with no issues, but he didn't know what to do after. He looked at Jin with wide eyes, "Help. I don't know what to do."

Jin nodded his head, which looked silly since he was upside down. But Tae had to focus. "You need to dig around the trap; at its base, there's a switch. If you flip that, the trap will be easy to pull apart. Can you do that?"

Of course, he could; he'd do just about anything to save Wons. He did exactly as Jin instructed him to do. As soon as he released her foot, she fell down into his arms. It was hard to catch her since she was bigger than him. "What's wrong with her?"

"She needs to eat; it will help her heal."

He looked around, "I-I don't have any food with me. I can run home and grab some."

Jin shook his head quickly, "we don't have time. She's losing too much blood. While she won't die from it, we don't think anyway, you can still help her." He had a serious look on his face, "Tae, I need to tell you something, and I need you to not freak out."

"I can do that, I think."

The elder chuckled a bit, "She's a vampire, and she needs your blood to heal. Then she can get me down from this, and we can get her home. But no one can know."

Tae gasped, "That's why you two have been spending so much time together. You've been feeding her, haven't you?"

"I have," Jin nodded. "Did you notice how much healthier she's gotten over the past month?"

And he had; the color had come back to her cheeks, and they weren't so sunken either. She laughed more and played with him and the other two. They would chase each other around for hours, and she'd never tire. So it made sense, considering how she barely ate any food that he saw. "How do I do this?"

"Just hold your wrist to her mouth; her instincts will kick in. She'll be okay, and this will save her."

So Tae did exactly as Jin told him to do, and the elder was right; she latched on and bit him immediately. Tae watched as the color came back to her, and her eyes started to flutter open. She pulled back and smiled at him weakly, "Tae, what are you doing here?"

"You were hurt. Are you okay now?"

"As wonderful as this is, can we get me down now?"

"Jin," she yelped as she launched up and shot an arrow at the rope that was holding him up, and he fell down with a loud thud.

"Ouch," he whined.

Snow rushed over to him and started to fret, her hands flying all over his body, checking for any injuries. "Are you okay? Please tell me you are okay."

He smiled at her, his hand coming up to palm her cheek, and his thumb brushed across it. "I'm fine, Princess; it'll take a lot more than that to keep me down."

"Oh my God, are you two together?"

They both snapped their heads to look at Tae. He looked like he was seconds away from crying. "We are Baby Bear. Is that okay?" Tae slowly nodded his head, but it wasn't very convincing; Jin leaned into her a bit, "Go console him."

Snow gasped as she looked at Jin trying to gage exactly what he meant. But she saw it, she saw the look in his eyes, he wanted her to want Tae. She crawled toward Tae, and the poor guy looked frozen in his spot. Like if he breathed too hard, he might shatter what was happening. "I'm sorry, Tae," she whispered next to his ear.

"Don't be, I get it. I used to be as handsome as Jin before."

"You are still handsome, Tae; this curse didn't take that away."

He nodded his head, but he looked like he didn't believe it. "When I break the curse, I want to show you what I can do. I can please you just as well as Jin does."

She grinned a bit as she bit on his neck slightly. "You sure? He's really good, the first time he took me he had me pinned against a tree. He took me so many times that I lost count." Tae shivered as he looked at Jin. "One time, he crawled into my bed while all of you were still sleeping; he had to shove my face into my pillow just to keep me quiet so we didn't wake you guys up."

"She's a screamer when you fuck her just right," Jin added with a grin. "I've had to shove my fingers in her mouth just to give it something else to do."

His entire body shook as he looked back at her, "I can make you scream too."

And he wasn't lying; the next morning, when they woke up and, Tae was back to himself. The look he gave her made her toes curl and it took Jin ushering everyone out of the room on the guise of catching some fish for the celebration dinner.

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