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"Wow," Seokjin breathed out. "How in the hell did you manage to drag that massive thing here? Like, how did you even find one? That's amazing?"

Shit, this was a bad fucking idea, Snow. You should have known not to bring something that big. She smiled softly and shrugged her shoulders, "Uh, I found it not too far from here, and I already drained the blood, so it wasn't too bad. I just need to finish processing it; I figured this would last you guys a while, so I couldn't really resist when I saw it."

"You are amazing; I hope you know that. I'll go get Hobi, and we can finish it. I know that Yoongi wants to show you what all he finished."

Jin was gone and back in less than a minute with a super happy Hobi, "Wow, you weren't kidding, Jin." He looked at Snow in wonder, "You really are amazing."

This was a lot of attention for someone who rarely ever gets attention from people. "It was nothing," was all she could say as she made her way toward the door.

"Hey," Jin called. "When you get inside, Tae is going to pester you with a lot of questions. Please just go with it; he's really excited."

Snow had no idea what that meant, but she nodded her head in agreement. She could handle some questions; that was no big deal. They already figured out who she was, even if she wasn't willing to admit it out loud yet. And Jin wasn't wrong. As soon as she walked in, she had a bouncing Tae right in front of her. "Yah, I told you that I wanted to show her what we'd done first. You can pester her after."

A loud sneeze left Tae before he started pouting, but he kept his mouth shut, which made Yoongi come over to her and point up. "Wow."

They had finished a lot in such a short time. "Yeah, we got the entire floor done for you. I still have to build a ladder and the furniture. But you at least sorta have a room. Tae can make you some curtains so that you have privacy, too."

"I don't even know what to say Yoongi, this is, this is great. Thank you."

"Don't fret about it; I like to build." He was getting a little shy, and it was adorable. She wanted to pinch his cheek, but she was sorta afraid that he would smack her hand away or bite her. He had a fiesty look to him behind the sleepy eyes.

"Can I have her now, please?" Tae was begging from the table. He was practically vibrating where he was standing.

"Yes, Tae, you can have me," she snorted as she walked toward him.

"Great have a seat, I have lots of questions."

So Jin wasn't kidding, interesting. What could he possibly want to know, though?

"What's your favorite color?"

Uh, what? Out of all the things he could have asked, that's the one he goes with first. "Well, it used to be purple. It was my mother's favorite color, and she would always put it on me, but when she died, we had to wear black for the mourning years. When my father got remarried, I wanted to keep wearing black; it was the only way to honor my mother because purple was too hard. But my stepmother wanted me in all primary colors; it was atrocious."

"Purple and black, got it. Favorite food?"

Well, it's not like she can say blood. What did she used to like when she was human? "Chocolate. It's extremely hard to get, but it was always my favorite thing to eat when I could sneak them."

His eyes went wide at that answer; she really wasn't doing well in hiding her privilege. Only royalty could afford purples and chocolate. "Wow, okay. Well, we don't have any of that around here. But we'll keep a look out on the merchant road for some. Now, favorite drink?"

Again, it's not like she could say blood. It took a bit of digging through her memories because, honestly, the only drink she enjoyed as a human was water, if she was being honest. But occasionally, she'd drink orange juice, so that's what she went with. "Orange juice."

Tae's head cocked to the side like a lost puppy, "what's that?"

"You know what oranges are correct?" Tae nodded his head eagerly, and she continued. "Well, there's this special tool that we used to squeeze all of the juice out of the fruit, and then you'd drink it. It was delicious; we'd have it for breakfast."

"Yoongi loves oranges. Maybe the next time we get some, we can try it? It won't be until summer since fruit is even harder to come by right now."

Of course, fruit was hard to come by; it was the middle of winter, and they had to grow it in the South and bring it up by cart. But she didn't know what to say about that, so she just continued looking at him.

"Favorite animal?"

Uhh, well, that's a really hard question. She used to love all animals, and they loved her, but now they all flee from her as soon as they can, cats being the only exception. "Cats, that's why I was so willing to follow Seri the other day."

"Makes sense. She is a cutie."

"I wanted to ask the other day; it's really warm in here. How is that possible? It's freezing outside."

"Oh, we have a hot spring in here. It's just hidden; otherwise, it gets too hot in here, especially in the summer."

So that explains why they don't stink. Because there was no way she was going to jump in a freezing ass river more than she absolutely had to. "Oh my God, can I see it?" She didn't even have to fake her enthusiasm; this was actually really exciting. She wondered if they knew how rare hot springs were, the castle had been built on one for that sole purpose.

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