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Joon was watching the youngest three play as they were chased by a happy, screaming Hobi. He loved his life; he just wanted to know how Jin and Tae changed back. Everything that he had looked into led to true love's kiss. But both of them swore that wasn't what it was, then what was it?

"Joon," Jin called, making the younger snap out of his daydreaming.


Jin was smiling at him, but it was his I'm about to cause trouble smile. He might be the oldest, but most of the time, he acts like the youngest. "I just realized that we never showed Snow."

"Wons," Joon interrupted, making the older groan.

"Jesus Christ, she's Princess Snow, and before anyone else gives me ANY shit. I saw her like a decade ago, so I know what she looks like."

His head cocked to the side a bit, "you saw her a decade ago, but a lot can change in a decade. She wouldn't look the same."

Jin was pinching the bridge of his nose, "Go to the stupid food storage before I throw you over my shoulder like Tae did with the littles."

He was a little baffled, but he nodded and did as asked. They made their way to the side of the mountain that their cave was in. It wasn't far, but there was a very clear desire path going up the side. Even with the snow that was on the ground, you could see it. Something that was carved into the Earth and used a lot over the past several years. "How is it so cold in here?"

Joon smiled, "So our cave is warm because of the hot spring. But this cave never sees sunlight, and it's high enough that the snow basically stays all year round. If it does happen to melt during the day, it gathers around it and freezes at night. It's out of the way of predators, too, so, yeah, it's basically perfect."

"This is awesome, really. You guys did such a great job at making a home for yourselves. You should be proud."

"We are," Joon was smiling, his dimples on full display. "But I wanted to ask you guys some questions."

Jin held his hand up, stopping Joon. "Listen to me first, and then you can ask anything you want, okay?"

Once a nod was given, Jin proceeded. "As I was saying. Snow here," with a very pointed look at Joon that was daring him to say something. "And yes, I know it's her because she looks identical. The reason is that shortly after I saw her, she was cursed. Immortality, remember?"

"I do, but they usually still age. Like it wouldn't be a lot, but they would age."

"That's the thing, her brand of immortality is different. She's a vampire, Joon."

It was quiet; they could both see that Joon was thinking deeply about everything that he just heard. He looked at Snow, "So you are the Princess?"

Snow snorted before she covered it with a giggle, "Sorry, but that's all you got out of that? That I'm the Princess, Lordy, this guy."

"Well, I've read a lot about Vampires, so logically, I can make that leap. But you are the Princess, the heir to the throne, and no one has seen you in over a decade."

"I haven't been seen in a decade because she cursed me to be a blood-sucking monster. I'm not even sure what she told people about me."

"For the first five years, all we heard was that you broke the engagement off with the Prince, and then you were trying to mend your broken heart. After that, we were cursed, so we didn't hear anything."

"I've been living in the village this entire time and haven't heard shit. The first time she even mentioned me was to announce that I was a wanted fugitive and there was a fucking reward for my head."

"I can look into it more if you want me to."

She had no idea if that was something she even wanted. She knew that the odds of her ever taking back the throne were little to none. Because this curse was never going to be broken, she had seen their eyes ever since the first night she was cursed; she dreamed about them. But she found them, and she's still a vampire. There was no way that their Kingdom would accept a Vampire for a Queen, so there was no use in even dreaming about it.

"It's not necessary. I'm not planning on taking my place on the throne. So there's no point, really."

"Well, that's sad," Jin huffed, his arms crossed over his chest. "But I think she's what broke our curse. She fed from us, and then we woke up the next day and were back to our original bodies."

Joon thought about it, "So you feed her? Is that why you barely eat any of the food he makes?" They both nodded, and he chuckled, "So that's why he stopped mean-mugging you. He found out your secret and realized that you don't need actual food to survive."

"Yeah, he started leaving me alone after my big secret was revealed."

"So, are you willing to let me try it?"

Jin clapped his hands, "this is great. She hasn't eaten today, so it's perfect."

She just rolled her eyes at him; he was acting like he was the one getting fed vs her. But Jin is Jin, and there's no point in even thinking about changing him. Not that she would want to; his chaos calls to hers. They got along like a house on fire. It got even better once he was no longer cursed and wasn't held back anymore. It was like a switch was flipped that day, and she loved it.

"It's fine, Joon," she assured him because he didn't want Jin's opinion on it; he wanted hers, and she knew that. He held out his wrist, and she wrapped her small hands around this arm. She bit him, and his blood tasted so good; it was like with every pull, she was getting smarter, which made no sense. But it's what it felt like. 

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