My King

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Secret Life

(Ren x Martyn)

This is my first book and this is my first oneshot. It gets better! I promise.

Martyn walked past the secret keeper on his way to meet up with Jimmy when he ran into someone. Literally. Falling over, Martyn looked up to see a face that shouldn't have been as recognizable as it was. The man Martyn had bumped into was dressed in Tango’s clothes, and his name tag  read Tango. But deep down inside Martyn, he knew it wasn't the redstoner. Tango didn't wear sunglasses, and Tango didn’t make Martyn’s chest feel all funny like Tango did.

Tango smiled down at Martyn and offered him his hand. Martyn tentatively took his hand, and he helped him to his feet.

“Hello! It is I Tango!” He announced with a flourish.

“I know that.” Martyn snapped, frustrated that he couldn't place where he knew the man from.

“Well I was just looking for you, Martyn!” Tango said, and again Martyn wondered who this was.

“Me?” Martyn questioned, “Why?”

“I was wondering if you'd like to go on a little caving expedition with me!” Tango asked, looking a little embarrassed.

“Um. . .” Martyn wondered whether he should go. Tango wasn't a red name, but the tasks were making people do all sorts of weird things. Just look at BigB. “Ah what the hell. Why not?”

“Aw thanks my dude!” Tango said, pushing up his sunglasses.

My dude. . . Martyn thought to himself. Where have I heard that before?

“I just have to go and grab a pick, but I'll be back.” Martyn looked Tango up and down, and he felt a small blush creeping up his cheeks. Martyn quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed. “Where should I meet you then, Tango?”

Tango seemed to deflate as Martyn said his name, but Martyn brushed it off.

“Um, just back at The Heart Foundation, I guess.” Tango said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Mhkay.” Martyn said, not really listening. He was too busy trying to see Tango's red eyes.

Martyn realised a little too late that the conversation was over and he was supposed to go. But he hadn't noticed and was now making things awkward.

“Bye.” Martyn ran off barely, hiding the blush rising on his cheeks. He hoped Tango hadn't noticed.


Dammit. Ren thought to himself. I dropped so many hints! How could he not tell it was me?

Maybe it's because he's forgotten you. A little voice whispered inside Ren's head.

No. Ren argued as he walked back to Heart Foundation. Martyn wouldn't just do that. He cared about me.

But if he thinks you're Tango. . . The voice trailed off, leaving the last bit unsaid.

Then he might not love me. Ren's heart burned at the thought, and a single tear dripped down his face. So much for another chance.

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