An Unexpected Turn of Events

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After a few more tortuous rounds with my Luna to be. I took her to the shower, and washed, worshiped every inch of her body. The marks from the clips have turned purple and stand out starkly on her porcelain skin. Once I am satisfied with her cleanliness, we exit the shower. I instruct her to put on the dress hanging in the closet, while I clean up and put my toys away. 

A few hours later we are standing in front of my pack and all of the pack slaves. Brittney's grandfather was removed from the pack lands this afternoon. I made the announcement that Brittney is my mate and that the pack now has a Luna. The pack members were pleased, and the slaves even looked relieved. Hrump... they will still be used by pack members. Maybe even with me and my Luna... 

The moon was almost at its peak, and I began to strip my clothes off while Brittney did the same. Having the audience has made my dick ragingly hard. Being naked in front of each other is nothing to us, as it is a huge part of our lives. However, having them watch as I take what I want and mark Brittney to avoid that fucking creature. That has brought me a level of excitement I did not know was possible. I once again hear my wolf whine to not do this. Ha! I am taking what I deserve. 

As soon as the moon hit its peak, I thrust into Brittney hard and fast. As I slam into her, my teeth elongate so I can mark my chosen Luna. My wolf attempts to fight me but he is weak from being forced into isolation. I narrow in on the perfect spot and bite, hard, drawing blood into my mouth and running down to her breasts! Instantly an explosion of pain stiffens my whole body, I can hear my wolf howling in pain. I struggle to catch my breath as I release my teeth from Brittney. She begins to dig her claws into my shoulders forcing me to meet her eyes. She looks furious that I have stopped moving. My heart feels as though it has been pierced but I know I have to complete this ceremony. I begin pumping to complete the bond as Brittney clamps her teeth into me marking me as hers and our bond snaps into place. She is officially my mate. 

Five weeks later and I have to say I am actually happy. Brittney brought one of the slaves into our bed last night and oh she was vicious in her torture of the little delta. I did not know I could experience such pleasure watching someone else provide the torture. I smile at my memories as I force myself to focus on these damn reports. Shifting my dick so it is not uncomfortable now that it is hard. I open the folder about a rogue attack on my southern border. 

Suddenly the raid alarms begin to sound, and I have warriors and pack members screaming in my head. I run from my office and down to the front of the pack house. Ready to shift and fight the invaders, but we are not under attack the council is here. Aww Fuck. 

I stand tall and Brittney soon joins me the cars come to a stop and three council members I have never seen step out. Shit, I have my regular council members in my pocket, so the fact I did not even get a warning about this visit means something serious is up. 

"Welcome. What do my Luna and I have the pleasure of aiding the council with today? " I ask as pleasantly as I can while all the possible reasons they are here running through my mind. 

"Ah Alpha you have found your Luna eh, that is news to us. How long have you been mated?" The shortest of the council members said to me. 

"Not long sir. Uh, please forgive me I have not had the pleasure of meeting you previously." I say with as much of a respectful tone I can muster. 

"Ah no, you would not have met any of us previously. I am Devon, to my left is Hank, and to my right is William. We are the Inquisitors."

My heart drops to my toes and I am unable to speak for a few moments, Brittney steps up and with a polite, smiling sincerely asks.

"Inquisitors? How may we help you gentlemen?" 

I regain my composure and place my hand in the small of Brittney's back. I mimic her smile as I look down at the highest ranked wolves in the council. They train for years to perfect their ways of obtaining the truth. They are only called for a few reasons anymore. I have a sinking feeling in my gut as I can only imagine why they are here. I have always towed the line with the laws and have kept my pack low on the radar. 

The Inquisitors enter the pack house, I escort them to the conference room, while mind linking Brittney to keep her mouth shut unless asked a direct question, and then telling her to go organize refreshments for our guests. While everyone was settling into their seats, and a kitchen omega arrived with a drink cart. 

"How may I be of service to you gentlemen?" I repeat what Brittney said earlier, to hopefully get one of them to engage in a conversation. 

The one who spoke earlier cleared his throat and eyed me intently. I felt small in his hard gaze and felt the urge to shift in my seat. Thankfully Brittney picked that time to join us. She smiled at the Inquisitors and took her seat by my side. 

"When did you find your mate Alpha?" The one named Hank spoke. His voice was deep and gravely. It was a stark contrast to his appearance. He was a tall man, on the thinner side, with bird like features.

"Oh, six weeks ago. I have submitted all the proper paperwork, as she was technically a rogue. But as my fated mate, I could not turn her away." I said clear and concisely, providing the accurate information minus a detail or two, like she was a branded rogue. 

"Hmm... and the traitor's brand she is so delicately hiding under the table?" William asked with a hardness in his voice. "And the accusations that have brought us here today, Alpha? What are we to make of them? Are we to just believe that the fifty guards with us who are currently rescuing your "slaves" from their confines are misunderstandings?" He was blunt, straight to the point, and aggressive. "Don't attempt to lie either, you have broken the laws." His voice was laced with malice, and it matched the look in his eyes.  

I was flabbergasted, they knew. How the fuck did they know. I keep meticulous records, real and false. I always file the correct paperwork with the council I never raided more than once in a year, and always far,  far from my own lands. And then I smelled him. Brittney stiffened beside me at the sound of him entering the conference room. 

"Everyone has been rescued Inquisitors." He said with a slight bow. Brittney's grandfather came into view. He smirked at me and then Brittney. "You should have listened to me my dear, now you will suffer his fate as well." He walked back out of the conference room. 

I returned my gaze to the first Inquisitor who spoke. 

"For your crimes against your fellow wolves, Alpha Bob, Luna Brittney you both have been sentenced to death."

©2023 Lisa Enstrom / @JadeFyre2018. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission from the author. This body of work is available exclusively on Wattpad. If you are viewing it on a different website or platform under a different username or title, it has been illegally stolen, and you may even be at risk of malware. Please do not support these sites, as writing is hard work and effort on the original author's part. Head over to Wattpad and let me, the original author know if you have encountered this situation by finding me @JadeFyre2018

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