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Callisto navigated us out of our grotto and through the forest. Once we returned to the small area, we first shifted Callisto returned control to me. I put my clothes back on and turned in the direction of the pack house.

You could kind of see the top of it from here. It was considered a castle. It was old, made of stone on the outside, and had a tall keep on each side. But it was just a pack house to us. There were ballrooms and dining halls, I've heard a bunch of rec rooms, housing for all the high ranked wolves and their families, and all the warriors, bachelor males, and guests. It was in the epicenter of our pack. Tucked into the side of the mountain, the city spread out from it in a semi-circle.

I weaved my way through alleys to reach the pack house. When I emerged from the alleys the pack-house was spectacular and terrifying all in one look. As I neared the front gate. I could hear voices on the winds. Gossip, speculation, ridicule, and even blame was flying around the pack. I held my head up high and went up to the guard at the gate.

"State your purpose." The guard demanded.

I looked up to see the guard's face, and it was a hardened mask of indifference.

"My name is Jade; my father Bruce has sent for me." I informed the guard.

I awaited his response, and a few moments later, I was instructed to follow him. We made our way up the driveway to the main entrance. I continued to hear the words the winds brought me. As we approached the entrance, I spotted Bruce standing there waiting for me. OMG! He looks awful. He seems to have aged ten years in a day. I looked into his eyes, and they were so far away, his aura was a swirling of dark grey and blues. That can't be good.

"Follow me, Jade. Listen and only speak when Alpha, Beta, or Gamma asks you to." He spoke softly and turned to go back into the pack house. I was curious about his statement, but figured it was best to just listen and follow him. We made our way into the pack house. It was a magnificent entryway, curved stairs, giant paintings of Alpha's and Luna's of the past. It held a welcoming yet dominant air. Bruce turned off to the right and went down a darkened hallway. We reached a large wooden door. I could hear muffled voices behind the door.

Again, Bruce turned to me and looked me over with something I could only label as hopeless sympathy.

"Remember Jade, listen and only speak when Alpha, Beta, or Gamma asks you to. Do not respond to anything else. Keep a level head. Do you understand me 'Kit'?" My heart literally stopped beating. Bruce has not called me "Kit" since I was five. He said because when I was little, my eyes were so big, and my hair was so red and shaggy, I reminded him of a fox. My eyes started to tear up. Bruce was watching my face intently as my tear fell. He ran his thumb under my eye, catching the falling tear.

"Be strong, Kit, you will need it for what comes next." An ominous warning as Bruce knocked on the door.

The whispers stopped, and a shuffling could be heard, and then the large door opened. The Gamma was standing in the doorway.

"Jade, come in." the Gamma said.

I walked through the door and heard it close behind me when I turned, Bruce was not with me. He was on the other side of that door. I was alone. I turned and faced the room, looking around. There was a giant conference table in the middle, with large office chairs surrounding it. Alpha Warren was at the head of the table. Next to him was Luna Jamie, the Beta, and the Gamma. There were also four Elders, two law keepers, and six warriors.

I knew the truth. But there was no way I could speak that truth here.

"Jade please sit we only have a few questions for you" Luna Jamie said. I've only heard her speak at pack gatherings. Her voice is so very soothing and provides you with a sense of calm. She is the perfect Luna. I made my way to the chair the Luna was pointing to.

"Thank you, Luna." I replied respectfully as I sat down. The Gamma cleared his throat.

"Jade please give everyone a complete statement on what you witnessed. Describe your involvement? And provide any knowledge of the attack at Gamma Jacob's home during the Halloween party."

I knew it was crucial that I give as much information as I could without raising suspicion about the other information I know. I could feel all the eyes on me as I sat in this chair preparing to provide my statement. I was used to the eyes; it just had a different feel today.

"Yes, Gamma Sir..."

I told them everything, from the time I arrived at Willow's house, the fight, to me leaving for home, even what happened after I arrived at home. I left no factual details out. As I gave my statement, I looked around the room and viewed all the auras. Luna Jamie's Aura was a beautiful yellow with pinks. The Beta's had an outer orange-ish yet very close to his body was blue and yellow. The Gamma's was very similar to the Beta's but there was more yellow. The warriors were mostly hues of blue. And all of the Elders were all shades of orange, yellow, blue. Alpha Warren was very hard to determine, Callisto even came forward to try and help but it was like his aura was every color it could possibly be all at the same time. It began to hurt our eyes to look at. When the Alpha looked straight at us, Callisto retreated, and I put my head down.

I really hope I can start understanding this aura thing and what these colors can indicate. I have a feeling knowing what the colors can imply about a person's emotions can be crucial to my survival. I have started to compile a list but, it is just a speculative list with no substance.

©2023 Lisa Enstrom / @JadeFyre2018. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission from the author. This body of work is available exclusively on Wattpad. If you are viewing it on a different website or platform under a different username or title, it has been illegally stolen, and you may even be at risk of malware. Please do not support these sites, as writing is hard work and effort on the original author's part. Head over to Wattpad and let me, the original author know if you have encountered this situation by finding me @JadeFyre2018

Heart of FireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz