03. The Gathering

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* Edited

I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the reflection. Trisha had helped me with my hair while I did my makeup. She curled my hair pulling only a small portion of it up, using these gold chopsticks to hold it in place, while the rest cascaded down my back past my bottom. I did a soft wing on my eyes and simple nude colors to enhance my features. I had purchased a blush rose colored dress; it was very simple. A chiffon underlayer and lace overlay. It was a sweetheart neck, with a tall slit on the left that stopped just above my knee. I wore matching flats, as I am already tall, but I hate heals anyway.

We all arrived at the pack house together, Daisy immediately darted off towards the twin monsters she calls friends. She was so ready to find her mate. She was a deep romantic at heart and wanted someone to love her unconditionally. On the stairs there were already newfound mates kissing and grinding on each other ugh that is gross. This gathering was large. The surrounding packs were here, as well as a few further out packs. Making our way up the steps into the front of the pack house, you could hear the growls, wolves coming forward as the scent their mates. Males and Females alike scanning the entire ballroom for the source of the smells that call their wolves to the other half of their soul.

Bruce and Trisha smile and head off towards the garden house where all the parents are gathered waiting to see if there is a new member of their family. I can smell the raging sexual tension in the air, and it makes me want to vomit. I did not want to be here, I am not able to scent my mate, but unfortunately my mate would be able to scent me. It seems so archaic but if an under eighteen wolf finds their mate, it actually allows them time to get to know each other. The bond will not fully form until both are eighteen, so I guess that would be the best way to go. However, most are already eighteen, and the leap straight to the sack, marking and mating the moment they meet. Gross,

I have made my way to the back corner of the ballroom, waiting for Willow and Dom to arrive. It is our spot as we watch the wolves come and go and eat all the food. There are faces of pure joy and there are faces of utter disappointment. It does make me sad when wolves don't find their mates. It is possible to never meet your fated, but there is always the option to choose a mate. I have been sitting here for a bit and start to grow hungry, so I head to one of the buffet stations. I scan the room still looking for Willow or Dom, not seeing them I do catch the eye of a handsome male across the ballroom. He was staring at me, which I am used to, must be trying to figure out what I am. Oh well, the buffet has chocolate fountain. I take a plate, putting veggies, meats, cheeses, and crackers on it, and a second plate filled with cookies and brownies.

I am mid bite when I hear growling. Another wolf seems to have found their mate. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn seeing my friend Dominic. He smiles, snagging the cookie I was about to eat shoving it into his mouth and taking the chair in front of me.

"So still mate less?"

He jokes. He is only seventeen like me and cannot find his mate either. He's a good-looking guy, sandy blond hair that he keeps short on the sides and longer on the top, he has dark mysterious eyes. Taller than most at 6'5" he is built like a house. He trains a lot, which is how we met. I am always amused by his aloof behavior. His willingness to know me for me and not my looks made us fast friends. He likes sparing with me because I am stronger than most think.

"I prefer it that way. Besides, who are we kidding? How can the Moon Goddess care about the likes of me. If she did why would she make me look like this, to be tormented daily!" I snark my response to Dom and shove another cookie in my mouth before he has a chance to steal it. I hear another growl from behind me, hmm that one was close.

"Jade, I know you want to believe that, but I know it is not true, the Moon Goddess has a plan for all of us including you. And once you meet your mate, you will regret how little faith you have put into her."

I smirk and continue to eat my snacks. The lights start to dim, and the soft music starts to turn into more dance-friendly sounds. The night of finding mates is now over, and it's time for the mate less wolves to party. Dominic stands and puts out his hand out to me returning my smirk.

"Come, my abominable friend, it is time to dance." I laugh and stand, taking Dom's hand. I hear growling again, sounds like it is right behind me guess there are a few mates left to find each other. I turn and scan the area trying to see who the "happy" couple is, and I see the handsome wolf from earlier. He looks extremely irritate, probably had high hopes for tonight. He has a powerful aura, an Alpha or Beta. I wonder if he is just looking for one of his pack members. Just as Dom pulls on my arm to drag me to the dance floor, I catch his eyes and the fury in them sends chills down my spine. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. I turn and follow my friend to the dance floor.

After the packs had all left, and all the new mates were sorted, some moving out of our pack some moving into our pack. It was the beginning of a new week. Sunday training was always one of my favorites as it was usually hand to hand combat. I headed to the training field and started my warmup. The head trainer appeared and said that for the next few weeks, we would be undergoing intense conditioning. That we will be running in human form around the territory.

WHAT! Our territory is large. We are at least fifteen miles from the nearest border right now. It will take us all day, and wolves run fast. The other wolves at training are grumbling and giving the trainer murder eyes. Seriously? Well, yes, he was serious. It took six hours to run the entire boundary of our territory. And I run fast, but still, that is a lot of land to cover. Forest, meadows, and mountainsides were truly awful. And the trainer ensured we all understood there would be more.

I made my way home and headed up the stairs to my room. I almost tumbled back down the stairs as my legs were like Jello. Entering my room, I slumped to the floor and began evaluating my life choices about training. After what felt like an eternity, I made my way into my bathroom and soaked in my tub with the hottest water I could.


Fire! Fire was all around me. I can see the flames dancing through the trees. It was so hard to breathe, and the air was heavy with smoke. The sound was deafening, the crackle and roar of the flames as they consumed the forest. I could feel the heat as the flames surrounded me, I was going to die. Death by forest fire was not how I imagined my life would end. I mean, who would imagine this... I can smell burnt fur; my tail is on fire. I twist and stamp on my tail with my front paws to put it out. I'm not sure what good that will do me when the rest of the fire catches up to me. I look around again, looking for a way out. The wind shifts, and I can see a break in the fire, I could make it through if I ran. I take off into a sprint for my life, I can see the path to the break, and I am digging my claws into the earth to give me traction as I dart for my escape from a fiery death. Eyes, there are eyes looking back at me from the fire. The break in the fire was only a few yards away, yet no matter how hard I pushed, no matter how hard I strained my muscles, I could not reach the break in the fire. The flames were dancing in my eyes as the fire enveloped me, and my fur once again was enflamed. I started to scream in agony as the fire engulfed me . . .

I bolted out of bed with sweat pouring off me. That damn dream again. I look at my phone and see that it is time to start my day, I drag myself out of bed and head for the bathroom. I did not notice the difference in this dream compared to the earlier ones, but the eyes were new.


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