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"How the fuck can you be so stupid!" I once again bellow at this pathetic excuse of a wolf. I have had him chained in the dungeon for weeks now. Ever since I heard the news that someone attempted to kill that horrific fucking monster in its pack and failed. I had sent a spy into the pack to learn what happened, and they never returned. All I knew is that the she-wolf this moron approached failed. There was no way for me to learn anymore at this time without bringing suspicion upon myself. 

So, I am taking my anger out on this worthless creature. I have used every one of my tools and found new uses for some. His screams are music to my ears as I contemplate how to deal with this fucking abomination saddled to my side. As I pace the cell, I receive a mind link that there are rogues on the border. Hmmm, this should release my tensions. I head towards my boarder and come upon and Elder and a younger she-wolf. They are both begging for sanctuary. I am keen to keep the she-wolf she would make a good slave, but the Elder is not even worth my time to kill. 

As I watch these two try to convince my warriors to let them on my pack land, I notice the brand on the Elder's hand. It is a traitor's brand, hmm what has an Elder done to be branded a traitor, I walk up to the she-wolf and grab her by the arm. She screams and fights to get out of my grip. I pull the gloves off her hands and see the traitor's brand. Hmm... I look at my warrior and tell them to escort them to the cells. I want to know how they got that brand. 

As I make my way back to the pack house, I inform my Beta that we have two unwelcome guests and that he should fill out the proper paperwork. This way if anyone finds out they are here I won't have the council poking its nose around. I follow my warriors as they drag the she-wolf kicking and screaming, she is making my dick hard. I am going to enjoy her interrogation. 

The Elder has his head held high like he has no care in the world. Interesting. I wonder who these two are. The warriors take them to cells on opposite sides of my dungeon. Don't need them talking or coming up with plans. I go to the Elder first. I observe the Elder, He looks a little thin, his clothes were once quite nice. He is dirty but not typical rogue dirty. 

"Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want? I start with all the standard questions. that way I can record it and have documentation that I interrogated the two wolves appropriately. 

"None of your fucking business, where is my granddaughter!" The Elder spit at me. His eyes held pure contempt and showed no signs of being intimidated at all. This piqued my interest. The she-wolf is his granddaughter. Now I really need to know who they are, and how they ended up being traitors. 

"Well, you have two choices, you can answer my questions and possibly live, or you can stand on that hill of defiance and see if someone as old as you can withstand my torture."  I informed this egotistical Elder. I do not care either way, I will get the answers from the she-wolf one way or another. 

"You can't torture an Elder, the council will have your pack taken from you!!!" This Elder screams out at me. 

"From my view you are no longer considered an Elder by the traitor mark branded to your skin. I can torture rouges all I want if I think they have information I need." I smile at the Elder while inspecting my hands. "So, if you would like to talk, you let my guard know, I am going to see what the girl has to say" I winked as I exited the cell. He began screaming all kinds of fun nasty things at me with empty threats sprinkled in. I laughed as I walked down the hall to the she-wolf's cell. 

MMM... she really is a beauty. Despite a little dirt and needed a meal, she is a perfect specimen. I enter her cell, and she is shaking in fear. My dick is hard against my jeans. I ask her all the same questions and she tried to make up some stories. She was unrestrained, so I pushed her up against the wall and pinned her arms above her head. I pushed my raging hard on into her stomach and I could see her eyes widen in surprise. I ran my nose along her neck. She smelled like expensive perfume and leaves. Ugh, she needs to be cleaned. I asked her some basic questions again as I nipped at her ear. She provided me answers and started to shiver in anticipation. I could smell her arousal, which only fueled my own. 

This she wolf was not afraid of me, and she was responding to me perfectly. I asked her what pack she was from, and she told me with a breathy pause. This normally irritated me, but I liked the sound of it from her.  When I heard where she was from, I almost jumped for joy! I asked a few more basic questions while I grind my cock into her abdomen. Then the question burning in my mind, why was she branded a traitor. She became rigid. I thought she may not answer me. I dipped my head into the crook of her neck and ran my nose up to her ear then pulled her ear into my mouth, sucking and nibbling she became weak. She started stuttering her answer out and the scent of her arousal grew.  

I stopped and let her go suddenly. She almost collapsed on the ground, I swept her up and pulled her to my chest. I asked her to clarify, and she did with a very puzzled look on her face. I smiled and told her she was the answer to my prayers and because of her I was going to get what I deserved, and I was going to reward her with what she wanted. 

My wolf who has been trapped in the depths of my mind whines. He will have no say once I take Brittney as my chosen mate. I will mark and mate her tonight. Once that is done, the bond to the abomination will be broken and he will have to let it go. He will then have to return to me, he will have to mark her wolf as his mate. Then I will regain all of my abilities and more. With pep in my step, I left the dungeons. I have a Luna to train. 

©2023 Lisa Enstrom / @JadeFyre2018. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission from the author. This body of work is available exclusively on Wattpad. If you are viewing it on a different website or platform under a different username or title, it has been illegally stolen, and you may even be at risk of malware. Please do not support these sites, as writing is hard work and effort on the original author's part. Head over to Wattpad and let me, the original author know if you have encountered this situation by finding me @JadeFyre2018

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