Intended Target

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Looking around, I see Willow standing next to one of the wolves who attacked she is talking on her phone.

"I do not know either of them." Willow was saying.

"Do you know what they took?" I could hear her dad ask on the other end.

"No, I just know it didn't smell right."

"Are they conscious?"

"No, no, they both are down." Willow was giving her dad a full report on the situation.

"The Beta and I will be there shortly, and the pack doctors are also on their way." Her dad said, and the phone clicked.

"Are you alright? Did either of them bite you?"  I was startled when Dominic's voice came from behind me. 

"Oh my Goddess Dom, you scared the shit out of me."

"You're a wolf. You didn't hear me behind you?"

"Clearly, the adrenaline has not fully worn off you, jerk!"
He put his hand over his heart in feign distress. Causing Willow and I both to crack a smile.

"Now, did either of you get bit?" He asked again. A quick glance said all the humor was gone, and his question was serious. Willow and I both shake our heads no.

"Good, some witch drugs can cause serious side effects like death." He walked away asking the other wolves who also fought the same question.

The wolf next to us began whimpering, I looked over in time to see him shift back. He was young. Not much older than me. A blanket appears over top of him, and I find the hard eyes of Willow's dad.

"Are you injured?" He asked.

"No, sir." I immediately reply.

"Do you know this male?"

"No, Sir, I've never seen him before."

"Alright, go get in line to speak with the Beta."

"Yes, Sir." I turned towards the gate that led out of their backyard. There was a line of wolves waiting to exit, while the Beta questioned all the exiting wolves. I got in line and tried to tune out the chatter, who they were, what they took. On and on ...

*How could they not even hurt her? *

What?! Why would anyone say that. I look around to see if I can figure out who said that. The only she was me and Willow and who would want to hurt Willow.

*I can't believe that stupid omega bitch actually fought them off*

Who! Me! Wait, who the hell is saying that?! I am straining to locate the person talking. I saw Daisy and Brittney. They were standing by the curb.

*What the hell are we going to do now? That drug was expensive! He was clear about the consequences of failing*

I was looking right at them, neither spoke aloud, but I finally recognized Brittney's voice. I heard her, but they were talking via mind link. Once again, I had tapped into a private mind link. I see her head shake, and they both start to walk towards Brittney's car.

*We will just have to make a new plan; He doesn't need to know this plan failed. Don't worry, she will get what is coming to her. * That was Daisy!

What the fuck is going on?

*How certain are we those stupid boys will keep their mouths shut? *

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