Vampyre Stalker

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I stop and turn, slowly sweeping my eyes around the crowd, starting from the opposite direction. I did not need him clued into how strong my gifts are. I finally scan in his direction, and he has a mischievous smile on his face, that clearly reads, I had you followed so I could corner you.

"Wow, what a surprise! Yes, the food here is amazing, we hope you enjoy!" I say over excitedly and with a higher than necessary volume. Once I start to turn around so Ember and I can go through the door.

"Would the two of you care to join me, maybe for dessert or coffee?" His response was quick. I don't think he expected we wouldn't fall right into his clearly laid trap. It was so obvious that he wanted something from us, from me; and I was not interested. Ember sticking to her role widened her eyes and made it clear that she would be happy to have dessert. I heard Callisto chuckle in my head at Ember's acting.

"I'm sorry we are not partaking in desserts at the moment, and it is too late for coffee. Enjoy your meal." I said in a slightly clipped tone. Indicating I was displeased. It was clear he would have heard us arguing about having dessert. His eyes widen slightly before he schools his features.

"Huh" I hear him clear his throat to hide his surprise at the refusal and tone. This clearly was not going as he planned. I reached out with my gifts, and I notice that there were a few more Vampyres outside. Hmm they must be his personal bodyguards. I smiled and turned away once again and made it through the door before his voice hit my ears again.

"I'll see you soon then."

I hear promise in the words and keep moving. I feel my phone vibrate and look to see Ember's message.

*What does he want and how are we going to get home without being followed? *

I consider the question as I direct us in the opposite direction of our apartment. I can tell the same Vampyre is following us. I consider luring him so I can knock him out, but knowing my luck he is in contact with Draven. A Vampyre who seems to be way too interested in our book. I turn us towards the mall, it is open till midnight. It will give us time to plan, and plenty of opportunities to lose our stalker's minion. Ember quick as ever starts to prattle on about a set of boots she was dying to try on. I gagged at the way this conversation was going and we once again continued our banter.

We made it to the mall and headed for the high-end shoe store so Ember could try on boots to keep the ruse going. I knew if we stayed here too long our stalker would appear out of thin air. So, I complain loudly to Ember about not trying on every pair of shoes, and we once again start a bickering match. I weave us in and out of the late-night mass of people in the mall. I can tell our tail is getting further behind us. It will almost be time for us to make our escape. I very quietly whisper the plan to Ember.

She nods indicating she heard me through the noise. It would be impossible for our tail to hear us, even with my gifted hearing, I cannot distinguish him in this crowd. But I am now familiar with his smell. Ember embarrassingly announced her need for the bathroom. I shake my head and tell her that she is on her own. I want to go to the bookstore, and I will meet her in front of the movie theater.

I give Ember a slight nod and smile and we split up. The tail stops and I assume sends the information to the stalker for orders, then he continues to follow me. He is even further behind me now having to wait for a reply. Perfect, I had already slipped the backpack back to Ember so I will be able to run, or at worst shift without risking the books. Ember spent a fortune buying these books for us and our need for them is dire. I continue to weave in and out of the people. I find the bookstore, and escape inside quickly making my way to the very back of the store. 

The Vampyre following me finally made it to the store, yet he stopped outside once again. While he waited for his answer I pick the lock on the office for the bookstore, once I hear the click, I slip inside and relock the door. These Vampires' have no idea what I am capable of as extremely gifted wolf. Inside the office I find my way into the stockroom and down the back stairs keeping my senses open, so I know there are no surprises in store for me. I make it to the loading docks and slip out a side door. I slide into the shadows and bolt for the far street. 

Once I am a few miles from the mall and confident there is no way I can be found. I shift my direction and begin the long, long way home. About two hours later and a few close calls and three of four false trails later I finally unlock our front door. Once inside, I am locking the deadbolt when I realize I am being watched. I finish locking the door and turn to find my new Vampyre stalker in my living room. With Ember frozen mid stride holding the tea tray!

"Jade!!! You're finally here!!! Why didn't you answer my message?" Ember squeals out to me. I can barely comprehend her words as I stare into the eyes of the Vampyre in my living room. He has not made a single movement since I turned around. He seems relaxed and unfazed. I find it irritating. 

"Well met Jade, I am sure you have some questions?" The Vampyre speaks as he stands and walks to me with his hand out ready for me to shake. I am completely perplexed. I did not move and just stared at his hand. I finally find my voice and look up at him while screaming.


©2023 Lisa Enstrom / @JadeFyre2018. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without written permission from the author. This body of work is available exclusively on Wattpad. If you are viewing it on a different website or platform under a different username or title, it has been illegally stolen, and you may even be at risk of malware. Please do not support these sites, as writing is hard work and effort on the original author's part. Head over to Wattpad and let me, the original author know if you have encountered this situation by finding me @JadeFyre2018

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