Where are you? Pt. 1| Little Tommy + Empires

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Little: Tommy (shapeshifter racoon/avian/human/hybrid)
CGs: Shubble, Lizzie, Gem, Fwhip
ESMP 1 & 2 mixed together

Everyone knew that all servers were connected by a main hub. That's how everyone got to MCC or even private servers or random meet ups with friends.

Shubble had recently gotten a letter from her dear friend Philza. He needed someone to care for his child tomorrow and Shelby was one of the only outsiders he trusted, considering Xornoth had been defeated, the empires server seemed safe. Shubble quickly answered him through the main hub communicator everyone had.

The next day, Philza joined with Tommy. Their arrival wasn't a surprise as everyone was informed. Philza quickly found the witch who stayed near spawn. "Shelby! Thank you so much for taking care of Tom" Philza thanked with a nowhere to be seen Tommy. "Of course, but uh, where's Tommy?" She asked "Oh! uhhh... that sneaky racoon! he shapeshifts into a racoon and avian or human so good luck with that" Philza explained while removing a beige racoon from his back. Philza gave the racoon boy to Shubble and it decided to stay on her shoulder.

"Alright then what do we do with you little trash panda" she thought to herself as Phil left the server. "Lets start by going to my swamp!" She said. Racoon noises of approval were heard right by her right ear. As she walked she felt the Racoon get heavier, he had now shapeshifted into a hybrid of a racoon and human and then started questionning about the whole server simply by saying "whats that". the answers were "katherine's base" "A bee" "A tree" "A frog" "My house!" Thankfully it wasn't an extra long walk to her base because she would eventually be tired of naming the obvious.

She placed the hybrid on the floor of her house and made sure her door was closed. Her house may have been the safest place for a little out of her whole base. Maybe not for Tommy though. As she went to get the shulker of little gear she heard the door snap shut behind her. She quickly turned around and couldn't see the racoon hybrid anywhere. Wilbur hadn't warned her about him running away! She ran outside just to see that the little went crawling through the fog. "Oh no." He was gonna get consummed by the fog! He'll be obsessed by sculk like cub had when the rift was open! That sent Shubble into a panic, no way was she going through that fog. She sent a server wide message.

<ShubbleYT> um if anyone sees a toddler racoon hybrid or just a racoon or just a toddler or even an avian hybrid or just an odd avian, heck! even a racoon-avian hybrid, possibly posessed by sculk could you... contact me pleaseeee

<Geminitay> how do you loose a toddler in less than a minute???

<ShubbleYT> Phil didn't tell me that it was a child who runs away!

<Fwhip> I'll let you know if I see a toddler!

<LDShadowLady> um I may have found the toddler you need? He was gliding toward my kingdom and ended at the top of the tower, i'll keep an eye on him

Finally! She at least knows where he is.

As Lizzie waited for the Witch to come get the toddler, the toddler decided that her 9ft tall height would be good to climb, what he hadn't thought about was the sliminess of the Ocean Queen's skin. So we can say he was miserably failing. The fourth time he fell, he burst into tears. Her only solution was to picked up the toddler and rock him and comfort him.

(to be continued)

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