Thats too scary for a tiny | cleo & scar

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CG!Cleo & Little!Scar (Limited life edition)

Prompt: Cleo finds out that Scar regresses when limited life was too overwhelming and takes the best care she can of him

tw: death & threats
Cleo's POV
I got back to the Clockers base from T.I.E.S trying to shoot me with arrows, no wonder my divorced husband is with them. I go to our secret underground storage to get better diamond gear. I look through out a bunch of chests struggling to remember in which one it is. That's when I stumble upon items for babies but adult size. It takes me some time to understand and realize why those are here. Eventually, I understand that one of my sons regresses and is the smol tiny kid they use to be. Which I find quite heartwarming but also worrying that I don't have that information to make sure that they are safe. Since, I don't know which kid it is, I have made it my duty to stay with both of them at all time. I'm sure I won't look suspicious since Scar and Bdubs are the most chaotic duo I've ever met, and they're my kids. Which mother wouldn't protect their kids.

I follow my sons back to T.I.E.S base since they absolutely want to see their dad and hopefully sweet talk their way to the enchanter. I make sure to stay at a safe distance because anyone can be the boogeyman so i'm not taking chances of loosing an hour of my life. I hear Scar asking if they know where the enchanter is and all of a sudden Martyn drops a stalagmite, from the top of ties tower, on his head which causes him to loose an hour to his life. I make sure to threaten Martyn before I rush back to the clock tower worried about Scar but as much as I look around I can't find him, he's not even in our secret storage. I take a peak to in the chest to make sure no one stole anything while our absence. Then I notice that the baby things are not in the chest. Well, one problem solved, Scar is the one who regresses but now I have two problems: Where is Scar? and How do I help him?

I keep looking around and I find another secret passage and sneak in quietly, assuming that Scar is hiding in there. I peak my head through the door that is at the end of the secret passage. Scar is on a bed in the corner of the small room. "Hello darling" I whisper "M sorry mama" Scar quietly replies through his pacifier "You have nothing to be sorry love. These are big emotions for such a small boy" I say "Nu smal, big" he says, spits his pacifier and holds up 4 fingers. I assume it was his way of telling me how old he is feeling. "Oh really! You're that big! Maybe the emotions were even bigger" I suggest trying to comfort him, he nods. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel safer my darling?" I ask softly.

Before Scar is able to answer, I hear Bdubs calling for me. "Moooom, where are you?" he yells from a distance. I glance at Scar who is visibly scared and therefore assume that Bdubs doesn't know about his regression. "It's gonna be okay love, Bdubs is your brother, I'm sure he'll understand" I comfort him. Scar nods and puts the pacifier back in his mouth that he had spat out earlier. "Mama is going to tell Bdubs what's happening, is that okay?" I ask making sure I don't go over his boundaries. He nods. "Here Bdubs!" I say loud enough for my other son to hear me and just loud enough that it won't bother Scar. "Where?" I hear Bdubs ask. "Are you with someone?" I ask Bdubs before I lead him to where Scar and I are. "Not that I'm aware of" he replies. I run out back to our tower to get Bdubs. "MOM! where did you come from?" he asks as he turned and saw me. "Follow me, i have to explain some stuff to you" I tell him. He follows me and listen to me explain age regression. "Oh! so like he's the little brother when life is too overwhelming?" Bdubs ask trying his best to understand "Yeah, kind of like that" I answer. "Do you know what age he regresses to?" Bdubs ask "When I was here earlier he gestured four but he could be younger or older now." I reply. I knock on the door of Scar's secret room. "Its mama and Bdubs" I say. I hear him whisper "bubba nice?" assuming he was talking about Bdubs I confirmed that he was infact nice and okay with his regression. I open the door and Scar is on his bed with a Jellie toy and his pacifer had fallen out of his mouth but it was now dangling from the pacifier clip.

"Hi Scar" Bdubs says softly but enthusiastic "Bubba!" Scar says happily "Whacha got there?" Bdubs asks pointing at the Jellie toy "abababbaba" Scar babbles "Hey love, how small are you feeling?" I ask my son. Scar held up 1 finger.

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